coupla places ..
Free/Budget Campsites Suggested by our Contributors
Hi folks .. In the last two weeks, I've been to a few places suggested to me .. a. Nug Nug Reserve .. about 13 k's south of Myrtleford in Victoria. Heaps of room .. $4.00 per night per person and a further $4.00 per night per power ! Just spent a week there .. $56.00 for a week with power .. Water / toilets &am...
the god of poetry
The Grey Nomads - General
Mulga Bill's Bicycle 'Twas Mulga Bill, from Eaglehawk, that caught the cycling craze; He turned away the good old horse that served him many days; He dressed himself in cycling clothes, resplendent to be seen; He hurried off to town and bought a shining new machine; And as he wheeled it through the doo...
Bushfire drill
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi all. Am back in Melbourne after months in FNQ and after a few weeks somewhere in Victoria's countryside, will return to this park in Melbourne's outer suburbs where I was last summer while the bushfires raged. Thought I'd ask what the policy is here, as it sits at the end of a large area of bush. Blank...
Baked Beans
Just Joking
One day I met a sweet gentleman and fell in love. When it became apparent that we would marry, I made the supreme sacrifice and gave up baked beans. Some months later, on my birthday, my car broke down on the way home from work. Since I lived in the countryside I called my husband and told him that I woul...
Great Ocean Road
The Grey Nomads - General
Wow just got to Tauquay after coming up the Great Ocean road What a cool drive ,I was really impressed with the sights. I was all most put off by another caravaner at Warrnambool saying don,t take your van over it as it is pot holed and to narrow with no were to pass or be passed. I ignored him and I am glad I di...
How Diverse We All Are.
The Grey Nomads - General
Funny the things that all of a sudden go through ones mind.Reading a post previously sent there was a French sentence included in it.It has made me stop and think about when is frivolous and commonsense seperated.What may seem to be a harmless remark to some people can be upsetting to others.I guess wh...
60 plus deodorant.
Just Joking
For Seniors 60 plus deodorant. I got this new deodorant today. The instructions said "remove cap and push up bottom". I can barely walk, but whenever I fart, the room smells awesome!
the junior conductor
Just Joking
A mother was working in the kitchen, listening to her five-year-old son playing with his new electric train set in the living room.. She heard the train stop and her son saying, 'All of You b*****ds who want off, get off now, 'cos we're in a hurry! And all of you b*****ds who are getting on, get on now, 'cos...
a very confused little beastie
The Grey Nomads - General
I put a snake through the header yesterday, didnt do him much good I would imagine, this morning I came across an echidna, about three parts grown, he came out from under the semi and just looked up at me I picked him up, he didnt even try to ball up, I poured him a cupfull of water, sat him up on the tray, gave h...
smev oven, grill question
Techies' Corner
we have a sme oven, grill combo, i know it has an electrical hot top plate, and 3 gas burner thingys which we can use, but we cant get the grill to work, and the instruction book is crap, any ideas?any one with a jayco van, caravan ??
.. Just movin' about .. !
The Grey Nomads - General
My oh my .. so this is Victoria .. hehe ! .. musta been a while since I last poked around in Wodonga .. .. Apart from the new expressway that now actually bypasses both Albury and Wodonga, not that much seems to have changed .. some lovely spots around still .. Spending a few days at the Boathaven Holiday Par...
Anniversary of Record & Fun attempts
The Grey Nomads - General
Forget the Melbourne Cup record attempt What about our GN record 'Logging In' attempt? Surely now with soooo.. many new members, we can beat last years record
Computer Lament
The Grey Nomads - General
I really hate this machine I wish that they would sell it It never does what I want Only what I tell it.
Stay Calm
Just Joking
A woman in a supermarket is following a grandfather and his badly behaved 3 year-old grandson. It's obvious to her that he has his hands full with the child screaming for sweets in the sweet aisle, biscuits in the biscuit aisle; and for fruit, cereal and pop in the other aisles. Meanwhile, Gramps is wor...
Didn't Quite Understand?
Just Joking
Two cattle drovers were standing in an Outback bar. One asked, "What are ya up to, mate?" "Ahh, I'm takin' a mob of 6000 from Goondiwindi to Gympie." "Oh yeah . and what route are you takin'?" "Ah, prob'ly the Missus ... after all, she stuck by me durin' the drough...
Stay Smart Online
The Grey Nomads - General
Worth checking out the following website that's operated by the Australian government. You can subscribe and be regularly emailed with the latest security threats..... http://www.staysmartonline.gov.au/ Jim
Melbourne Cup
The Grey Nomads - General
THE big tip is Rate rise
The Grey Nomads - General
It seems the massage just isn't getting through! Terro
Gotta Love it!!
The Grey Nomads - General
He was making a lot of noise , In the bar of the hotel Federation.. He was telling every one, About his fancy education. He had diplomas and degrees, From business to guitar strumming. But the most useful lesson he had learnt, Was how to spot a sucker coming. He then produced some fancy papers, Just to pro...
Here We Go................
The Grey Nomads - General
My legs were too long for cycling, And my arms were too short for weights. Im no good at running or jumping, And my boxing skills arent great. Me hair was too short for tennis, But I gave badminton a bash. My hair was too long for golf, And cricket pads give me a rash. I cant stay afloat in the water, And Im too s...