Backing Camera law
The Grey Nomads - General
on the road for 2nd day and decided I needed a camera on the back of the van. Have been told by the electrician that I should have had one put on when the caravan was sold to me 3 weeks ago in Perth as the Federal Law states that all vans must be fitted with one and WA has just passed the same law. Any one know anyth...
Who's into Photography?
"I digress ..."
I'm a mad keen photographer. Mainly portraits but enjoy the chance when time allows to photograph landscapes and old ruins etc. I'm purchasing a Canon 1Dx very soon...(santa) What do you use and what do you like to shoot?
Rear camera systems
Read Forum Rules & Introduce Yourself Here
Hi there, Jim here- Im new to GN. Me and the Mrs live in Secret Harbour WA I read a couple of threads on GN about the legality of rear view cameras and displays but Im keen to hear from anyone who's fitted a system themselves. I like a little bit of a project and I thought a rear view camera would be a good additi...
reversing camera advice
Techies' Corner
Hi everyone, just joined grey nomads (though I feel like a charlatan as I am bald .... no grey at all!!). I am neither a technical person or very handy, so I lose out on all counts. I need advice please. I very recently purchased a 2nd hand Jayco Outback, 2021 model. It has a Sphere BTM7100S caravan rev...