Made it to the coast
The Grey Nomads - General
Made it to Townsville from Winton Good road all the way, used the Kennedy Development road , better that most NSW roads we call highways. Apart for a small section just before Stamford , which I thought for a moment I was back in NSW, the roads so far are excellent. Average passing 250 vans per day ( 7 hou...
Little Tags????????
The Grey Nomads - General
What indeed are the little tags.starting to give me a complex lol.Can anyone give an answer.Cheers.Ibbo,
a little surprise for unca Dave
The Grey Nomads - General
knocked off for the day, went out to the shed, sat down with a cuppa to count my blessings heard a little rustling, scuffling,scraping sound, looked down between my legs and a 6' - 7' king brown was looking back, he would have been a good 2 1/2" maybe 3" round, a big barstard!! oh dear!! I tho...
The Grey Nomads - General
Another fatal accident this time out near Boggabri. This one involved a ute towing a caravan. Thankfully the two occupants are still alive. Please folks, take care. It's not always us in our vans, as in this case - the "other bloke" can be just as dangerous. Drive Safe and be careful. Ma
Qualifying for Health Care Card
Health & Wellbeing
Hi all you very happy GNs - was just wondering as we intend to be on the road fulltime after retiring August 2010, I believe to qualify for a health care card for medications one has to be at least getting $1.00 from centerlink payments at least. Does anyone know of this situation, we will be supporting ou...
Travelling around australia
The Grey Nomads - General
My wife spotted an article in the Melbourne Herald-Sun some time ago about a husband and wife, both with a terminal disease, and they sell up and buy a 'van to travel around Australia....a book was written of their travels/tribulations....I lost the article but wifey wants to read the book or what ha...
New Townsville Bypass
The Grey Nomads - General
Anyone know of a website with a map of Townsville showing the new western bypass? It's yet to appear on Google maps
The Lockerbie bomber
1 2
The Grey Nomads - General
Well he got sent home with terminal prostate cancer. Those Scots are really canny, the poor bugger will realise that he wont get the 99 virgins if his whatzit wont work and his whatzit wont work with prostate cancer..... I wish the cretin a long slow painful death in his own country with its 17th century...
Tragic accident on F3 Freeway.
The Grey Nomads - General
A tragic accident happened on F3 North of Sydney last night at about 11pm.Two adults and an 18 month old baby died as a result.A B double and two cars were involved.There are conflicting reports as to the cause of the accident.Please all G/N's take care on the roads.Cheers.Ibbo..
Scared to go it alone
Solo Grey Nomads
Just how does a single grey nomad make a start??? Anyone out there who can give me advice please? I'm scared of leaving my security-home, friends etc. Also wary of travelling alonep-BUT I WANT TO DO IT!! Cruising Granny seems to have her act together. I want to be like her!
Share a Story
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi everyone, I have recently started a new Australian Nudist Blog (public) which is aimed at sharing naturism with the public, and getting stories out there in the mainstream. The blog is located at http://oznudism.blogspot.com/ and we'd love to have some of you Grey Nomad travellers write a story...
Just Joking
A little old lady is walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags rips, and every once in a while a $20 bill falls out onto the sidewalk. Noticing this, a policeman stops her, and says, 'Ma'am, there ...
The Grey Nomads - General
Here is a site for those among us morbidly fascinated with the misfortunes of others. http://www.micom.net/oops/ There are funny things, serious things and possibly tragic things here but I for one can't stop opening a new pic. If nothing else it will keep you occupied when you have a bi...
Back home...unfortunately
The Grey Nomads - General
We just arrived home from our trip up North (we live near Albury) and how I'm wishing we were still there, as its cold n wet here, and I see its 28c in Brissie! For our first trip though we did have a great time apart from blowing a tyre and nearly blowing up the engine having lost a radiator cap (but thats ano...
Jane and Arlene
Just Joking
Jane and Arlene are outside their nursing home, having a drink and a smoke, when it starts to rain. Jane pulls out a condom, cuts off the end, puts it over her cigarette, and continues smoking. Arlene: What in the hell is that? Jane: A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet. Arlene: Where did you ge...
Fun on the M7
The Grey Nomads - General
Thought I'd share with you the little drama we had heading home on the M7 going thru Sydney. Having a coaster the engine sits between the front seats (where the dog sits) and we had little warning about the onset of our problem... apart from the bus stalling but then the terrible smell and heaps of...
Changes to Centrelink Employment Income Reporting
The Grey Nomads - General
Got a letters from Centrelink today about these changes, in particular that if a partner is working their income now needs to be reported fortnightly instead of annually, otherwise the one on a pension (or part pension) will not be paid. The gave this link for more info; http://www.centrelink.gov...
The Grey Nomads - General
I would just like to say hello, I am a retired lady with a campervan, that I use to travel in. I have been reading some of the posts in the forum and I have enjoyed them very much. I dont have any travel adventures to share at the moment but I do have a few jokes to share, I will have to have a quick look in the jok...
The Grey Nomads - General
Don't mean to be getting too personal here, so if I am, please forgive me. This is a subject that I have had a lot of experience with and would just like to jog a few memories or suggest some advice. I am sure all GN's would have at some time in their life discussed with their other half and family the importa...
Home Brew.
The Grey Nomads - General
I am thinking of making my own beer.Been to Google and gleamed some ideas.Now I am asking the real experts for their ideas etc.I intend to brew only for medicinal purposes.Liar,liar pants on fire.Any help and/or advice would be very welcome.Cheers.Ibbo.