Bull Bars
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi .. I noticed an article in Caravan World discussing that the govt is not to go ahead with the proposed ban on Bull Bars .. Following is part of the quotation from the Caravan World article ... "Catherine King MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport, decided to stop the...
Missing photo or video
The Grey Nomads - General
A photo I uploaded to a post has been deleted and I don't know why!Has this happened to you? http://www.nomadsnotes.com/AP.aspx?ID=551&EID=10594211
Lake Eppalock Vic
The Grey Nomads - General
Like some personel opinion in regard too Parks on the lake at Lake Eppalock Vic...On the net can't get much information...."Help! Might go up tomorrow for a couple of nights....Thanks
Tyson & Vince
The Grey Nomads - General
What a nice feel good story on todays Head line.....Glad you got your dog back....Vince
Be Carefull at Different Service Stations.
1 2
The Grey Nomads - General
I know we are are not stupid,but as a mechanic working for the the NRMA and service station,and RTA,in NSW,I come across this all the time,(today being the latest),300 litres of unleaded in a diesel tank. Most company sites have their diesel pumps with a pull over latch,but small ones don't,and if y...
Does Aami insure Toyota HiAce campervans?
The Grey Nomads - General
Have to ring them in the morning to transfer my insurance. Just wondering before I do, if they do or if I should start looking for someone else. I have a rating 1 for life Diamond status with them so hope to continue. I also have a RACV membership so wonder if they do, if Aami dont?
Hello to all from a newbie
The Grey Nomads - General
hi to all from Tony and Kerrie
Alice to Laverton
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi, one and all We are in Tassie at present, cool but pleasant. What a place absolutely love the scenery. Lived in New Zealand (Blenheim) for 20 years, so being here is like being back in NZ in some ways. Weather is about the same as well I would think. Loving it. However some information, tho...
Having problem downloading images from photobucket.
Techies' Corner
G'day everyone, I have a slight problem downloading images from photobucket to GN forum. Thanks to Milo I have set up an account, uploaded images and clicked on IMG code, however when I right click and try to paste the paste choice is greyed out thus preventing me downloading. Your suggestions would b...
Just Joking
Letting the cat out of the bag, is a whole lot easier than putting it back in !
What happened to Tyson (Front page story)
Travelling with Pets
Reading what looked like a good story, surely they will find him, where is he? Why did he jump out the window. Click here for rest of story and I get jellyfish and no photo. Please what happened to Tyson, is he ok??
How do you clean a stainless steel BBQ
The Grey Nomads - General
As you know we have just started as managers of the Mukinbudin caravan park. the worst job in the park without a doubt is cleaning the stainless steel BBQ every morning. any hints, tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Part of the problem is that the pilot light keeps part of the plate quite hot so...
siteing a motor home
The Grey Nomads - General
Seems to me that motor homes of any size would be a problem to set up to be level. Even looking at some on concrete slabs they seem to sit tail end down a bit because of the load I guess. I know I like a nice level bed to sleep in so how do people cope in motor homes. I think it would be a case for a self leveling bed ch...
On the move
The Grey Nomads - General
Down to Williams tomorrow to catch up with a mate for the night and then down to Albany for thursday, staying at the Emu Bay caravan park cheers blaze
Australian story
The Grey Nomads - General
Did anyone see the story tonite ... national parks officers should hang their head in shame .... Same old story money from tourist come before welfare of these beauitful dogs If we treated out pet like that and none of us would .. we be taked to court by R.S.P.C.A what make this any differnet ???? Th...
Mini Charcoal BBQ.
What's Cooking?
Does any-one have a Red Centre Noosa Mini Charcoal BBQ ? If so, could you give your opinion of it please ? Thanks in advance, Sheba.
Health & Wellbeing
Somewhere on the forum, I think it was Zina, said something about mozzies and midgies biting and that Vitamin B was a bit of a deterent. I am here to tell you .......YEE Ha...........Vitamin B works. I am the mozzies favourite meal and after taking two Cenovis Megga B's every morning, here I am in Townsv...
what a great forum
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi to all G>N> have been watching this site for some time and now happy to join so we can ad a coment or two as we head off to WA this coming week
The Grey Nomads - General
GDAY ALL, Fran and I have had to delay our start by quite a long time due to a major family problem. it looks as though it may take a while to get things sorted out so at this stage we don't know just when we will be on the road, but the way things are up north it may not be a bad thing. ...
If at first...
Just Joking
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you!