Quaint sayings you have read or heard.
The Grey Nomads - General
Read a saying on the back of a 33 record"The intimate Jim Reeves"circa 1960.It was."As mellow as an old mans memory".Pretty true I think.Cheers Ibbo.
First Timers
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi Everyone As 'First Timers' to this Forum we would like to introduce ourselves - Bruce and Diane. Bruce has been involved in the Coach industry for 40 years while Diane's expertise lies in the field of administration & computers. Apart from travel, our interests are woodwork, cars, golf, f...
Sex fifty years ago........
Just Joking
The husband leans over and asks his wife, 'Do you remember the first time we had sex together over fifty years ago? We went behind the village tavern where you leaned against the back fence and I made love to you.' Yes, she says, 'I remember it well.' OK,' he says, 'How about taking a stroll around there a...
Watch out for the spaghetti
Just Joking
For several years a man was having an affair with an Italian woman. One night she confided in him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage,he paid her a large sum of money if she would go to Italy to secretly have the child. If she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would a...
Late nite funnies
Just Joking
:They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken :99% of lawyers give the others a bad name :Inside every older person is a younger person wondering "what the hell happened" :A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory :If you think nobody cares try missing a couple of paym...
spare parts
Just Joking
A little girl goes to her mother and asks "Mummy do birds have spare parts" The mother assures her that "no birds don't have spare parts." The little girl returns later and says "Mummy are you sure birds don't have spare parts" "Of course I...
Phillip Island
The Grey Nomads - General
Can anyone recommend the best place to stay at Phillip Island?
Haven't been able to find any free camps, any there?
Female compassion
Just Joking
A man was sitting on a blanket down on the beach he had no arms or legs 3 women came walking passed seen the poor bloke sitting all alone so first lady walks over and asks if she could give him a hug the bloke say y not, she hugs him gently. The second asks if he would mind if she kissed him, he says...
The Grey Nomads - General
Will be in Adelaide in the second week of March 2009. Me and the child bride are flying from there to Perth to see the granddaughter and some of Western Australia for about two weeks. Does anybody know of a storage centre, caravan park, abandoned prison or paddock where we could leave our car and van (...
Christmas Eve.
The Grey Nomads - General
Hello.may we wish each and every Grey Nomad and companion pet a lovely and Happy Christmas.Since joining this forum I have learnt a great deal about 'doing it'.....i.e starting to hit the road and smell the flowers,see the sunsets and sunrises.Cheers ibbo.
The Grey Nomads - General
Have just returned from a shakedown trip with the c/t on the Western Explorer road in Tassie. The road goes from Zeehan to near Smithton through the Tarkine forest on the once wild west coast. The area was hit by fire last summer (07/08) and this was my first trip there. Much of the area has been totall...
Warning , Danger, Danger
The Grey Nomads - General
whats your scariest moment Had driven to the top of the hairpins on Mt lomond, feb 06, and was taking pics from the lookout, have a look at the rock thats on the road, would have flattened a car, guess I have a few miles left in me yet,
Just Joking
Dave06, My i take this time to wish you and every one on this fourm a MERRY CHRISTMAS A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. Roamin.
Tamworth Country Music
The Grey Nomads - General
Any ideas on free camping within 30mins of Tamworth?? Caravan parks are booked out way in advance.
For the male or female who has it all
The Grey Nomads - General
The essential accessory for the lateral thinker a replacement for that church key you have carried on your key ring since your national service days, for those times when the twist tops are biting in and your wrist just isn't up to it anymore They come in pairs so left or right foot action is availab...
Hi people
The Grey Nomads - General
Hello everyone. I have been on the road and had like a few adventures but I'm in Hervy Bay for Chrissy. All you guyz look good,hope you have a fabulous Chrissy and Santa gives you what you wantI bought a van and like it's fantastic & petrol is getting cheaper too. My leave will be up soon & I will h...
First Caravan
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi Everyone, i am a new member and I am looking at buying a second-hand caravan. I think my budget would be somewhere between $4000 and $10000. At this stage we wouldnt be going off the beaten track. Also we dont need a very big caravan. Something to fit three adults at most and two small dogs. I am...
Sunday morning Church bells
Just Joking
I will never hear church bells ringing again without smiling... Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother rep...
Things change quickly...
The Grey Nomads - General
We were planning to have Xmas with our friends and rellies and got a call to say the mum in law is in hospital with bowel cancer..... So we rush to Sydney and the good news is that she is well, and recovering aftwer surgery but will be in hospital over Xmas.....
Spell Checker
The Grey Nomads - General
To Any one, What i am after is a stand alone Spell Checker for our English not the American. And if possible a freebie. And i will say thanks indvance. Roamin.