First trip over...........I just wanted to keep going
The Grey Nomads - General
Well folks I survived my 1st trip to Mildura and back I had an absolute ball, only hiccup was when I locked myself out and a fellow camper used a hacksaw to cut off the clasp joining to 2 parts of my A'Van door so now I have to get it repaired but it saved me having to sleep under the stars (still a bit chilly for t...
Round trip
The Grey Nomads - General
Hubby and I have long service next year (3 mths) and would like to go to the west coast and then come home through Katherine, or the other way round. My question is what is the best time to go and which way? Have done the Darwin trip straight up and back over 4 weeks.
A bit of a mix-up
Just Joking
A young man called Chris from London wanted to buy a Christmas present for his new girlfriend.They hadn'nt been seeing each other for very long and she lived in Scotland. Chris consulted with his sister and decided, after careful consideration,that a pair of good quality gloves would strike t...
Celebration time
The Grey Nomads - General
Pop the cork! We have just topped the 2000 member mark. (See our story on todays nomad http://www.thegreynomads.com.au/ ) I would like to thank everyone for all their helpful and friendly posts which make this forum such a great place to visit and belong to. We hope that you continue to contribute...
Clothes airers
1 2
The Grey Nomads - General
I'm sorry, this is a most mundane boring subject compared with exciting things like the Nullabor being GREEN! But I would like to know the best way to hang ones towels out to dry? I've seen towels hanging on awnings, bits of rope, folding clothes airers, over chair-backs. There doesnt seem to be a sui...
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi from a newbie. After lurking for a while, we decided to join in, (Connie is the van). We have just bought a Windsor poptop for the two of us. While I had a camper-trailer for over 30 years, SWMBO had never sampled the delights of dragging the house behind. A week in a borrowed A-Van fixed that and we are of...
got ya;
Just Joking
Two Mexicans are stuck in the desert, wandering aimlessly and close to death. They are close to just lying down andwaiting for the inevitable, when all of a sudden....... 'Hey Pepe, do yousmell what I smell.Ees bacon I is sure of eet.' 'Si, Luis eet smellslike bacon to meee.' So, with reneweds...
Green Across the Nullarbor
The Grey Nomads - General
Just spent the last 3 days travelling on the Eyre Hwy from Ceduna to Kalgoorlie, it is so green and grassy, you can see what a wet winter it has been in southern Australia. We came across west to east in Jan, it was dry and scrubby, totally different now, still scrubby of course but you hardly see any dirt th...
No fixed Abode
The Grey Nomads - General
Was wondering how do'es one get on with regos, drivers licence, Banks, Centrelink etc if you sellup your home to be permently on the ROAD ???? I know about mail forwarding etc ---- but this would be different would it not --- because I would have no Fixed Address for ID purposes --- and nowhere to have m...
Alexandra Bridge Camping Area
The Grey Nomads - General
Does anyone have any recent reviews of Alexandra Bridge Camping Area in the Margaret River area of WA. We are at Manjimup now & will be heading that way next week after the school holidays end here. If possible we would like to know the rates & what the showers/toilet facilities are like & a...
Just Joking
In India recently, I saw a sign that said, English speaking taxi driver. I thought, what a great idea, why dont we have them in our country? Maybe this is posted in the wrong spot because sometimes it isn't a joke is it, or then.................
Majestic TV/RV Wineguard wind up antenna
Techies' Corner
Hi there everyone, We have a Majestic brand RV/TV with usual wind up/down winegard antenna. We are having trouble tuning it in as per manual. Is there any tricks in tuning this in??. For normal house tv we get great reception in house but must be doing something wrong with caraavan tv. cheers crocodi...
help with logging into Nomads website.
Techies' Corner
Hi All, Can anyone please help, I would love to post some comments on the Grey Nomads Website, But.... every time I click on the words "Comment here " I get the following message....... Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed. Is this a pr...
Solo Grey Nomads
WOOTT website is finally open...Women Of Oz Travelling Together .... it a tag along site for women in oz ... www.woott.com.au for all your ladies who like to take a look or even join up cheers
The Grey Nomads - General
HI everyone home again after 4 months roaming around Queensland taking a bit of adjusting being back home had a great time but where were all the grey nomads didn't meet one. Hope everyone is O.K. and those that have been travelling hope all had a safe journey. Helena.
2,000 member celebrations
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi Everyone, It's great to see how many new forumees have joined us recently and we are all thrilled to be closing in on a total of 2,000 members. Exciting times! Even more pleasing, of course, is the ever growing number of helpful and supportive posts that are appearing. We are forunate indeed to have...
What to take clothes wise
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi to all but I think this is one for the girls. I am terrible as a holiday packer and always take way too much clothes with me. Any thoughts on how much/how little to take when we are looking at about 3-5 months on the road? cheers Ann
Mail distribution
The Grey Nomads - General
Can anyone advise me as to how we can obtain a permanent mailing address whilst "on the road" with no domicile? Would appreciate any information in this regard, thank you.
GMC/Homelite 1Kv Generator AVR
Techies' Corner
Looking for some technical in put. Have a GMC/Homelite 1Kva generator with a faulty AVR module Have replaced the blown IRFS640 Mosfet & checked the 2N5551 transistor which is ok. It still wont work so I cracked open the resin from the PCB & tried to draw thecircuit to the best of my ability, som...
The Grey Nomads - General
the bride and i have just purchase an oztent size rv4 ,, for the odd campng trip and holiday until the time comes (if it ever comes) that we can head off on the "big trip" when we'll have a 'van or something a bit more substancial for extended trips away,, anyway has anyone had any expeirince wit...