The stronger sex
The Grey Nomads - General
The darlin misses is going to Albury so i ask her to pop out and get a new trogan water pump for the van from the caravan joint. Good little love gets what im after. Then she says in a demure voice "darling heart" ive seen the van of my dreams while at the caravan joint, then the man in me pipes up an...
Solo traveller with dreams from the UK
The Grey Nomads - General
I was last in Australia approximately 2 years ago when I attended a wedding. For a week I hired a camper van and toured the Northern Territories. Well, I say toured but we spent a couple of nights here and there and soon the week was over. It was on this trip that we met Gray Nomads and found out about the ad...
A milestone
Health & Wellbeing
Today marks 4 weeks since I had a cigarette. Have tried previously without any luck so this time I set myself a goal. $100 per week into the new caravan kitty. geez I miss them.
Just Joking
Ginger - miracal cure for arthritis
Health & Wellbeing
So a few weeks ago I'm sitting with my GP who was giving me weird looks probably because of my head wear, but hey if Arabs can wear a tea towel on their head whats wrong with a custom tinfoil beanie... I digress the topic is arthritis and the fact that because of all the other mind altering drugs I'm on I can't...
Forum Decorum
1 2
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi Everyone, Apologies for being away over the holiday period and not monitoring the forum as closely as we should have. It seems there has been some discord in ranks - not a good start for 2010. We would like to remind everybody that this is a friendly site where all are welcome. We suspect that the re...
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi, Where can I buy the Grey Nomads Guidebook and what is the cost ? We live in - Adelaide - SA Cheers Doug
Sticker arrivals
The Grey Nomads - General
Thankyou Cindy for you're generousity! we just got our stickers in the mail & will display them with pride. Cheers Jon & Hylda
Airbag Jack
The Grey Nomads - General
Hi all can any one give me the in's & out's of what to look for when buying an airbag jack
What's Cooking?
Here is a great recipe for a leg of lamb in a camp oven Place leg of lamb in camp oven 1 large cup coca cola 1 cup tomato sauce cook slowly intil cooked right through. discard gravy as this process takes all the fat from joint ( you may keep a small amount as base for gravy is required} Serve with yo...
What's Cooking?
Now for happy hour - What about Mars Bar slices Three mars bars 90 gr. butter (not bloody marg) three cups rice bubbles 200gr. good milk chocolate plus 30gr. butter extra FUN PART grease a slice tray combine mars bars and 90gr. butter in saucepan stir constantly over LOW heat, without boiling until...
Just Joking
A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him, 'Father, I have a problem. I have two female parrots, But they only know how to say one thing.' 'What do they say?' the priest inquired. They say, 'Hi, we're hookers! Do you want to have some fun?' That's obscene!' the priest exclaimed, Then he tho...
What would happen if?
The Grey Nomads - General
I am a bowman, second and third class. With my recurve bow of 40 lbs draw i would expect if aiming for an apple from 50 yards and shooting six arrows at that target to on average have four lodge in the apple and the two others hit within 3 inches of its centre, on average that is. I am a current member of Archery...
Centre link
The Grey Nomads - General
Found this and while its dated (2007) makes an interesting read for those thinking of hitting the road. Some of its already been mentioned before on here, but this is the first time I have seen it coming from Centrelink themselves. Pay to check with them for the latest info, but at least you know what to a...
new member here with some juicy details..please reply
Solo Grey Nomads
Hi Ya...its exciting writing here for the first time for sure. I am about to give you all some very private details about someone I know. Since no one here knows him I think its a safe thing to do. He is Male, 54, and forever single. I want to talk about my friends finances and his current thinking. You see he...
Free camping in Sydney;
The Grey Nomads - General
You may have seen the news tonight on the back packers camping at the top posh areas in sydney in camper vans & staying for lengthy periods. Providing the vans are legalily parked ,the council has said they do not have the power to isue fines or move them on ,even with the no camping signs in place . All...
free camps
The Grey Nomads - General
Well G,day Help needed, like a dill have left accom, to late over easter, do any know of roadsides between Renmark and Port Pirie via Burra. Davo,s town was good to us , got a night at Port Pirie, and Whyalla so all good that end,just that bit from Renmark, ummm make that Robinvale. The misses think...
4wheel drive tracks
The Grey Nomads - General
Has anybody out-there travelled any of the 4 wheel drive tracks west of the west McDonnell ranges through to 80 mile beach and Meekatharra in the pas t 12 months, rgds Gitsho
Toss the Duck
The Grey Nomads - General
Ever wanted to throw the duck out of an airplane? Well, now you can, click here to have fun. I must warn you, it is addictive. Cheers Neil
Pet Travel
Travelling with Pets
Spotted this set up at Ceduna Caravan Park ,4 dogs in total . It took about 4 minutes to set up and the dogs and other campers were all happy . Carried the wire on the draw bar only thing he need was a corner site to drive the van onto