Weekly Mailbag
I know I go on the sight reasonably often and due to some reticence don't often post. I have a query, have I missed the latest Weekly mailbag? The last one I saw was for the 2-9 August. Has the newest one got lost? Did wombat hide it down his copious burrow? Maybe with the friendly rivalry between Dougwe a...
Red Dog
G'day all and Red Dog, I watched your movie last night Red, and I can honestly say, you aint changed one bit!!! Thanks for the info on outback travel, most illuminating. Magnarc.
Outback Travel
For many years I have worked and travelled in the outback and i do read at length some of the articles which are written in this form. Much of it is useful and much of it is strait rubbish, and if you were to believe everything you were told by different writers you would find yourself in a great deal of strif...
Red Dog
Drawbar danger.
Perhaps i should have titled this drawbar foolishness. Coming back from a few days on the coast, I tried to step over the drawbar as the van was bit close to the bushes and the door opened the other way. I dont remember how but I ended up on the ground with skin off my knee, elbow and hands. Ok, get up hope noon...
Crocodiles not all dangerous?
I refer to the front page story about crocodile numbers increasing in Nth Qld, and their threat to communities. Here is a quote from Environment Minister Andrew Powell... "We will trap and remove any crocodiles which are found to be dangerous " My question is, arent they all dangerous? Ar...
Gerty Dancer
Headed south.
Rather reluctantly we are headed south. Left Barbinda this morning but have not travelled very far. We are visiting and staying overnight at Paronella Park. What an amazing place and no wonder it has won so many awards. Tomorrow we head towards Townsville before heading west to Charters Towers. -- E...
Rocky's rolling...
Gday... Today the awning fabric was finally replaced after killing time around Dubbo for two weeks. Took the repairer in Dubbo a bit of extra time re-positioning the anti-flap-kit rails but it all worked out pretty good. So tonight I am sitting in the Nyngan Leisure Van Park - and will be heading to Bou...
Winnebago vs horse van
So lovely to meet my first "Grey Nomad" on the road this afternoon in Emerald, down by the Botanical Gardens. Gypsy Rover! What a charming lady. To set the record straight I think her Winnebago looks nothing like a horse float. Andy
Happy Jan
Had the reversing camera installed today & the guy that come out & fitted it was very professional, & unlike the guy that came to look at the gas oven last week, cleaned up after himself & went through everything with me. I was very happy so happy in fact I would like to mention the name of...
Robyn K
Fuel useage.
Comming across the Flinders Highway from Mt. Isa to Charters Towers, I had quite a head wind and it did terrible things to the fuel usage. Usually 17 to 21 litres, it shot up to 24 per 100kms. I also wonder if we were gradually climbing up the Great Dividing Range, maybe that had a contributing factor.
I w...
One step closer!
Had independant Medical today for Q-Super. Doc said as I was leaving that he would write and recomend I not return to work!! YEH!!. So still awaiting centrelinks outcome but either way Hitting the road Jack very soon.
Contrasting the Nullarbor
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Gday...I have travelled extensively through the eastern states of this wonderful country, and to a lesser extent, South Australia and the Northern Territory. However, there had been something I had wanted to do for many years. I had wanted to experience the adventure that all, to whom I had spoken,...
Good morning everybody well we have been on a rollercoaster and still
Have not gotten off as of yet.
From being told last thur week that we need a miracle to a call on the
Friday that the surgeons have seen this before but not said what it is i am
Now waiting on a call once again for either a pet scan or pos...
Tick Remover
Some time ago someone posted a photo of a small green thing to remove ticks from your pets I am sure it was this topic but I cannot find it I have put it in search, still no luck can anyone help?
Can't access the forums
Not sure if anyone can help but, for the last 2 days I have been unable to access the forum pages on this site. I'm using Hylda's computer at the moment which doesn't seem to have the problem. I have a Macbook Pro and I have tried using Firefox and also the Safari web browsers but the pages refuse to load in e...
on the road again,
Hi guys dad and I are off to Adelaide via Broken Hill, he has a high school reunion there as he taught there during the late 50's we'll be there over the weekend then off to Adelaide to see the relies, then home should be on the road for 2 weeks not taking the motor home as its on the market, going to be stragn...
door knockers
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I had a guy knock on the door this morning and he told me I COULD win $2000 and he handed me a free ticket, then the cheeky bugga asked for my name and phone number, now he already knows my address cos he is at my doorstep, now he wants more information, I told him I do not give out that sort of info to doorknocker...
After 2 false starts
Hi all, tmorra we leave for Tassie [ from wa ] we have a mth. t get to Melb. 7 wks in Tas. home for xmas... A few of you might remember ,we got as far as Eucla last time , I found out my 7 yr old grandson 's cancer had returned.. Sadly he past away in early August. I guess we just get on with things now.. The REALLY h...
Hi all, You will be hearing from me a lot in the next 2 weeks. At present we are renovating our home in Brighton Qld to rent as its time to hit the road, enjoy life and kick up the heels. We have a shed in the backyard which is where we are going to store our belongings while the house is rented. I have bought a hu...
well we arrived home after a very rushed trip daughter in law sick but all turned out O.K. in the end. Sadly we have decided to sell our A,Van Sportsliner as after operation on hand I can no longer help Bill to connect it up to the car so now on the lookout for a Toyota campervan hopefully will find one soon a...