AGE, or are you an oldie
Ever wondered what age is, I have a G/G/son of 7 and he told me a few months ago that I am old, when I asked him what he meant, he said you have more crinkles in your face than mummy, and she is 29, my eldest g/son is 31 and unmarried, and asked him the last time I saw him "feeling old mate" as he puffed...
mike and Judy
Raster Maps
I seem to remember someone having a URL where you can download Raster maps for free, I'd like to try 25000:1 rather than the 250000:1 maps with Track ranger but I'm too lousy to buy the cd's.....
Basil Faulty
Does anybody know what's happening around Oz. Rallies, who's going where and when, things of interest that we might like to attend.
Telstra, yet another warning
A WORD OF WARNING !!! Tell all your family/ friends/ business acquaintances - in fact tell everybody about this! For all Australian respondents... Telstra Phone book For anyone contemplating using the Sensis directory service number, 1234, DON'T! Sensis, as you may or may not kn...
Basil Faulty
Warning on Telemarketing On Mobiles Next Month
This is for Australian phone numbers! REMEMBER: Mobile Phone Numbers Go Public next month. REMINDER all mobile phone numbers will be available to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sale calls. STOP THE PESTERING. Some of these calls and text msg will cost you $ if you respond o...
Wombat 280
freedom again
Free camping, we all do it when we can, and its the epitomy of independance, more so if you are on your own, you carry your own power, water, but tucker unfortunatly, have to buy it, with dollars,not allowed to hunt anymore,! this started when I read Rollys last line on the subject of water, I quote &quo...
mike and Judy
The experts (and we all know what they are) say that as we get older we get fussier, Being reated as a senior, AND a grey Nomad, I dont think I am, My meals are simple and I accept all I am given, Judys a hell of a lot better cook than I anyway, will drink virtually any beer , ( cant tell the difference really) exc...
mike and Judy
Free WA Trip Maps
The Usual heavy Traffic Warning.Karauh to Buladelah NSW.
Just a quick mention for the information of any G/N's using the pacific Hwy to go North over Easter.Be aware that roadworks and RTA signage will cause lenghty delays.Southbound will also be slow until the turn off to Tea Gardens.Hope this is useful.Cheers.Ibbo.
Where Are You Off To This Easter
Just thought I would ask the question, we are of to Hervey Bay we will be at the council caravan park at Torquay, call in and have a chat or drink, who knows we might have some fish to BBQ.
More power and torque ???
Hi everyone, Does anyone know anything about the DP Chip or similar products. Its more like a module than a chip, but it's surposed to supply more power and torque and better fuel economy to EFI diesel engines. Is it worthwhile installing or just another gimmick? Cheers, Freddo
Freddos future
Telstra Mobiles phones.
Is it just this area or others having their mobiles still on daylight saving time?My phone usually alters itself when I cross state boundaries,i.e NSW/Qld.I have free time between 6 pm and 7.pm,with my phone still an hour ahead I figure that I will be charged at normal rates.(confused myself now).An...
This is it.....we're doing it......no turning back!
Well this is it , we're taking off tomorrow 05.04.09, thought it was suposed to be stress free and an enjoyable experieince packing the van up.....we're knackered!! the last time we did the big trip all around Aussie we threw some clothes in the car, some food and off we went, now that was stress free....
I'd love to hear from those permanently touring OZ
My husband wishes for us to sell up and travel around Aust. I feel reluctant to do this but economically this would be the only way to achieve this. I would love to hear from others who have made this decision and how it is out there on the road travelling around Oz. It is possible we may find somewhere to...
How many of us G/Ns listen to Macca, on a Sunday morning on the ABCThen you would have heard his sound track of the birds singing, especially the magpies, You all saw the pix I took of the magpie with the Bendybeak,You will all be pleased to know that he is alive, well and thriving, his bent beak has broke...
mike and Judy
Anyone with info on folding boat trailers
Thankyou to all who had helpful hints about the rhino boat loader.....we have that fitted and the Captain is fitting the electric winch as I type this.......now we have the quandary of acquiring the folding boat trailer!!!! We want one that will pack up small enough to fit on the drawbar / or in our moto...
On the Road to Darwin
Well, we are almost ready - our first really big trip. Want to go to Darwin via Woomera and up through the centre. Any advice would be welcome. Planning to leave mid to late May. When we get to the top well just see which way the wind blows and then decide whether it's to be left (west) or right (east)
Thought for the week
Women and cats will do as they please, men and dogs should just sit back and get used ti the idea
mike and Judy
1 2
Are you a drinker, maybe a silly question, whats your favorite brew, mine used to be a mulled wine made by a german fried of mine , really got you hot ??? now it a light ale , really gets me cool Was,nt sure where this was to go, but its a good topic for late summer ok didnt load as its a video of a beer bottle domin...
mike and Judy
The Outback Way
Just spent (invested?) $29.95 in the HEMA maps book The Outback Way, Perth to Cairns: Australia's longest shortcut. Looks like a good trip and the web site http://www.outbackway.org.au/ has lots of information. I was not aware of this route until recently, and other GNs may similarly not know abou...