A healthy young man wakes up one morning and isn't feeling too great"
Hhe calls in sick to his manager at work and tells his wife that he's going to see the family doctor for a checkup.
His elderly doctor checks him over, runs some blood tests and says,
"Sorry son, but I'm afraid that I have some bad news for you...."
"The tests confirm that you have a case of Green 48, an extremely rare and really nasty viral infection"
"Unfortunately the reason that it's called Green 48 is because it turns your blood Green and sadly the outcome is invariably fatal"
"The 48 is a reference to the fact that from the onset of symptoms you usually only have 24-48 hours to live"
"There's no known cure so I would suggest that you just go home and enjoy your final precious last few hours on earth with your family..."
Stunned by the news he heads back home to his wife and breaks the tragic news.
Distraught and tearful, she decides to make an extraordinary request of her husband.
Bizarrely she asks him if he would go with her to the bingo that evening as they have never done that together before and she's always secretly wanted to do that with him.
So he thinks for a minute and then says,
"What the hell - at least it will be a new experience together - why not?"
They arrive at the bingo and buy their books and stuff and get seated at a table and order some drinks.
The bingo starts and with his first card he gets four corners and wins £50.
Then, with the same card, he gets a line and wins £450.
As more numbers are called he gets the full house and wins £5000.
Then the National Game comes up and he wins that too, this time winning getting an amazing £800,000.
Presenting him with his winnings cheque the bingo caller gets him up on stage and says,
"Listen Son, I've worked here for more than 30 years and I've never seen anyone win four corners, a line, the full-house and the national game on the same card"
"I reckon that you must be the luckiest son of a gun on the planet Earth!"
He shouted at him,
"I'll let you know I've got Green 48!!!"
"Green 48?"
Says the bingo caller,
"Bloody hell - you've won the Sports Car in the door prize as well!"
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.