I actually called them before i posted and was informed that you MUST register all epirbs AND plb devices no matter what they are used for
I asked for a link to the legislation that states the above and was directed to their website which states "you must register ..."
its concerning that the government authority who administers the regs is giving out differing information to the public
either way, i dont understand why anyone would not register any devices you have because it makes locating us much easier
i have a mate who pilots the rescus chopper in darwin and he was saying how hard it is to find the non GPS devices in a choppy sea because they arent as accurate as GPS devices
anyway, they family has now been recovered and will cost a motza to return to collect the vehicle.
I just hope its all intact when they finally get back to it. once the roads open again, there will be sightseers who do the trip out there
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-17/zavros-family-speaks-after-being-rescued/100626482 "The roads weren't closed at the stage that they went through and then after they'd gone in there, the roads then closed behind them that meant no other travellers could find them on the way through," he said. Cheers,