Methinks the "Frogs" have very short memories - they seem to forget the many thousands of ANZACS that fought and died in the two Word Wars to free their Country (not ours). Simply put AUKUS coalition is the reason they are still a Democracy.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
I just cannot believe the utter stupidity and lack of commercial nous displayed by our moronic PM. These negotiations have been going on for 18 months in the background and then announced with just an hour or so warning to the French.
Commercial contracts get cancelled all the time. All these boofheads needed to do was enter into discussions with the French as to an exit strategy and compensate them for their loss on our planned withdrawal from the contract. A joint statement is then released saying our deal will not be going ahead and we part as friends to trade another day. The UK and USA have no need to apologise as they are just answering our requests.
Hawke, Keating, Howard or Rudd would have handled this easily but not this yapping clown.
Methinks the "Frogs" have very short memories - they seem to forget the many thousands of ANZACS that fought and died in the two Word Wars to free their Country (not ours). Simply put AUKUS coalition is the reason they are still a Democracy.
And don't forget Mururoa Atoll and rainbow warrior