Dropped in to say hello. A newbie. Bought a Hino, pick up next month. Will be relying on the sage wisdom available here. Solo traveller doing the permanent thing. FINALLY
Hello. I am just starting, I made a post and had a lot of great replies (yah), whilst I could work out how to do a "group reply post", how do I please reply to an individual response? Thank you Susie
Susie, as far as I'm aware the only way to send a personal post is through PM's (Personal Messages). Click on individual's name, to get profile details, select Personal Messages (bottom left on my screen) hit send PM - you may then compose personal message, hit send.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.