Trevor here. Married many many moons. Lots of ex's. Ex-builders labourer, ex truck driver, including B-Doubles, ex HV driver trainer, ex HV licence tester (for a private provider), ex quality & training coordinator, ex RTO training manager, ex OHS professional. Currently full time vocational trainer specialising in OHS (seeking retirement)
Done the variety: tents, camper trailer, A'Van, now pop top off roader
Loves cars, owns a 1966 Falcon XP Coupe, owned a XE Falcon race car, currently restoring a EL Fairmont Ghia (daily driver as well) and a PXII Ranger for towing the van
Been a member for while but haven't really posted much
-- Edited by Trevor 57 on Wednesday 2nd of December 2020 12:00:09 PM