It always seems a hassle dealing with bills coming in at inconvenient times while you're on the road. A friend of mine has the solution - he ignores them and awaits a final demand - usually quite rude and abrupt! He then writes to the creditor advising them of his bill paying process. He tells them that every month he receives a number of these rude demands and puts them in a box. At the end of the month, he drws one out and pays it. He tells them that if they persist with repeated rude demands, he will leave them out of next month's draw - he says it works a treat!!
Family friends had a debt collection agency in the 1980s to 2005ish. If they wanted it badly enough, they got it and rarely stepped into the outer fringes of the law.
Delaying might work if you work cash in hand but of course once you out in a personal appearance, you're toast.
Besides, it's a stressful way to live unless you really don't have any choice.
Cool story tho'