Guy walking on a beach in Clifden (on the far west coast of Ireland) when he kicks a bottle, he bends down and picks it up and brushes some of the dirt off so he could read the label, when suddenly a genie comes out of the bottle, "thank you for releasing me said the genie I'll grant you one wish" the guy thinks for a minute and says "I've always wanted to visit my family in Boston in America but as I'm scared of flying and get Terrible seasickness what's the chance of building a bridge from Clifden to Boston?" The Genie scratches his head and says "You're not asking much are you, it's 3,000 miles across the Atlantic isn't there something easier you could ask for?" The guy thinks for a moment then says " well I'm a 44yr old bachelor and I've never been out with a woman in my life because I don't understand them, could my wish be that I could understand women?" The genie said "would you like lights on the bridge"