That is one of the most powerful songs by a man who was taken from us so prematurely.
An interesting presentation of the song ... however, far too idealistic - I am sorry I can only consider it as fantasy.
I offer the following which is more representative of our world ... and unfortunately, we continue to allow it be the way it is.
Ooh, you're slick, you investors in hate You Saddams and you Bushes, you Bin Ladens and snakes You billionaire bullies, you're a globalized curse You put war on the masses while you clean out the purse
And that's how it's done, war after war You old feudal parasites, ya just sacrifice the poor You've got the cutting edge weapons, but your scam's still the same As it's been since the Romans, it's the patriot game
That's the war racket
You twisters of language, you creeps of disguise Your disinformation's like worms in your eyes You privileged bankers, you gambler thieves You profit on war, you think there's just less money in peace
So that's how it's done, time after time Country after country, crime after crime You pretend it's religion like there's no one to blame For the dead and impoverished in your little patriot game
Honey, that's the war racket
You've got the world's greatest power and you team up with thugs Make a fortune on weapons, destruction and drugs But your flags and boots and uniforms start to all smell the same When all sides are killing in the patriot game
And that's how it's done, and you've got our sons In the crosshairs of horror at the end of your guns And your national anthems all start to smell like shame When all sides are dying in the patriot game
It's just the war racket
And war is never, ever holy That's just a greedy man's dream And you two-faced crusaders, both sides are obscene War's not made by God, war's just made by men Who misdirect our attention while you thieves do your thing
And that's how it's done, about every 30 years The rich fill their coffers, the poor fill with tears The young fill the coffins, the old hang a wreath The politicians get photographed with their names underneath
It's the war racket
Buffy Sainte-Marie
Cheers - John
-- Edited by rockylizard on Sunday 12th of May 2019 10:29:04 PM
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
That is one of the most powerful songs by a man who was taken from us so prematurely.
An interesting presentation of the song ... however, far too idealistic - I am sorry I can only consider it as fantasy.
Hi there John ..
It was just posted as "light-hearted" entertainment .. The distance between fantasy and reality is really only what the viewers perceives under the Topic "Just Joking".
I've got another one of a Wombat singing "Advance Australia Fair" .. but with-holding that as it may influence Vic into taking up vocal lessons .. (don't tell him I said that) .. heh