Q: What do you call a camel without a hump? A: Humphrey (Hump-free). Q: Did you hear about the camel who was accused of stock fraud? A: He took part in a hump and dump scheme. Q: Why did the Taliban school alternate Sex Education classes with Drivers Ed.? A: They only had one camel. Q. What do you call a Taliban who owns six camels? A. A pimp! Q: How do you have sex with a camel? A: One hump at a time. Q: What do camels use to hide themselves? A: Camelflauge! Q. What weekday is a Camel always looking forward to? A. Wednesday (Hump Day) Q: Why are camels called ships of the desert? A: Because they are filled with Arab semen! Q: What do you call 144 camels in a box? A: Gross! Q: What is a camels favorite nursery rhyme? A: Humpty Dumpty
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
Make it Snappy......Bob
Blues man.