If you enjoy camping in a free area that is a cesspit then so be it.
If the owner of that cesspit has not complied with regulations then dont expect the area to be open long term if the very existence is opposed by the very people who have been forced to comply with those regulations.
How about if there were a select group who did not have to pay rego and 3rd party insurance on their RVs but others had to.
Are the ones who didnt pay more entitled because they buy petrol or diesel.
That is how silly you free entitlement people sound.
We all travel, we all need food, fuel, beer, wine, maybe a visit to a local attraction, and the list may grow and grow.
You people arent exclusive just because you cinsider you are entitled.
Want a free camp then go into Australia and find one... there are plenty out there as has been indicated by others above.
Just a note.. when you turn up there the other campers out there actually dont want that area to turn into a cesspit similar to what you have just migrared from so, if possible, could you extend your equipment to at least be self contained and if you do not have what might be an approved crapper in your mobile bed sitter then could you please learn the correct way to $hit in the bush. You may even have to buy a shovel.
While you are doing this there is no need to criticise the people who have compliant equipment and procedures.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
I'm not the jealous type. I'm happy for some to be able to buy their $200,000 rig. Doesnt bother me.
However when some mention "spending just a few dollars in a CP"...a few dollars? Up to $48 in my experience. Being on disability pension, that is a lot of money.
So do we stay home? Are we not entitled to see our country on a shoe string? Are we not entitled to dislike not only the cost but the sardine environment of a CP?
Ratepayers pick up the tab of roadside maintenance...well nomads arriving in my town do the same, it all works out ok in the end.
It seems clear there is class distinction not only on the road but on this forum. The arrogance of old timers here that "the topic's been done to the death" is deplorable towards a new member. After all we have limited topics to chat about. If you dont like a topic just move on...easy. why be nasty?
Welcome Swampy. I hope you enjoy the forum.
Cities like Rockhampton rely heavily on investment, in tourism, mining, beef and of course manufacturing. Without this investment the city will struggle.
The local council setting up shop to compete with these investors is unlikely to nourish a long term relationship. I have no desire to be controversial but anybody who believes an investor will spend $millions on a development to provide a service and then offer it free is being a tad naive.
Freecamping sites are well advertised in wiki camps most people have access to it,theres a lot of grubby people on the road that are not set up for it,and they just make a mess,donation boxes from what I have observed are avoided by most ,so if you have a nice freecamp patronised by grubs and tight arses what would you do
i hope this doesn't come across as political, but it now appears that the caravan parks are lobbying their respective councils, with success, to close down the free camping areas, forcing the caravanners to stay at the parks at ridiculous prices. This has started in Rockhampton and in Tasmania. The caravan industry brings in a lot of cash flow to towns.
Is there anything that us, as a collective group can do to stop this evil behaviour of the caravan parks?
As others have noted in this long, and long-winded, thread, poor Swampy42 simply posed an oft-asked question that has not only opened up the van park/freebie question, but created more twists and turns that those worms within the can.
Given all the emotive, and opinionated, responses, (always drawn out by discussions on this topic), have been exhausted by others on this thread I guess the very bottom line answer to Swampy's question is - 'not really'.
'Collective' groups can be formed to lobby councils espousing the economic virtues of providing a patch of dirt within the urban confines, or opening up the availability of carparks/rest areas/playgrounds for travellers to sleep overnight at no cost to the traveller. It can, and has been, promoted that these overnight travellers will avail themselves of this free bit of dirt and consequently boost the economic viability of local business by spending money within the community. Indeed, some previous such 'collective groups' have lobbied that travellers will spend as much as $700 per week in the community.
However, even should these 'collective groups' be successful in having council approve the traveller to sleep, at no cost, at one of their carparks/rest areas/playgrounds, others in the community will feel slighted, and/or disadvantaged, and will counter-lobby to have 'free' sleeping at these places curtailed and/or discontinued.
Therein, lies the problem.
Straya is very much a free enterprise country. It is the right of all, whether as individuals or as a 'collective' group, to lobby authorities or others to pursue our cause. This same free enterprise right to lobby is available to business enterprises as well.
No-one has an entitlement, for any reason, for free access to facilities or goods and services. Whether we like it or not, that is how the system works. If one wants to partake of something, or obtain something, one is expected to extend a 'consideration' (fee) for such access. That is our accepted way of life.
One simply needs to understand that, for whatever reason, a community offers a service or facility to the travelling public, that same service or facility is subject to other 'collective groups' (businesses) wanting that facility to be subject to other considerations. When such facilities are provided without compliance to basic council standards that are required to be maintained by private businesses then the 'lobbying' intensifies.
One group who have lobbied strong and hard for many years has been CMCA. They have had considerable success convincing councils and communities to be a 'RV Friendly' town and provide facilities and access to sleeping areas. However, in recent times, even their successes have been eroded. Indeed, CMCA now lobby councils to allow CMCA to lease, or be granted, access to carparks/rest areas for the exclusive use of their members who will be completely self-contained. CMCA are then charging a nominal fee ($10/night at the moment) for their members to use these areas.
It will be interesting to see how this initiative of CMCA holds over time. Other businesses catering for the general public may find it unacceptable and begin their own lobbying in an attempt to restore the 'balance'.
Cheers - stay well, travel safely and sleep tight - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Many of these small quiet country towns with a free or donation camp don't need travelers sympathy or for them to put a few miserable bucks into the local economy.
The town might look quiet but its economy could be thriving due to the surrounding agricultural businesses doing extremely well.
Come Saturday nights fire brigade fund raising ball at the local community hall it would be overflowing & things would be really pumping.
We once saw a grey nomad fuming because he had to wait 15 minutes at an Ag supply business while the owner gave a local farmer a rundown on his newly delivered very expensive massive tractor.
Profit on gas bottle fill $3, profit on tractor sale $20,000.
The nomad eventually lost patience, grabbed his empty bottle & swore as he yelled out that him & his wife were ON TOUR, why can't people do things straight away!
He'd just left the towns free camp.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Many of these small quiet country towns with a free or donation camp don't need travelers sympathy or for them to put a few miserable bucks into the local economy.
The town might look quiet but its economy could be thriving due to the surrounding agricultural businesses doing extremely well.
This is pretty much the case in Moonta DD, big area with lots of shade trees, maintained by the local council, and, not a donation tin in sight.
Rocky, Swampy made a statement of what he understood to be the case at hand as well as asking a question, unfortunately some of that statement is incorrect.
So other forum members are entitled to point this out, there is already far to much BS floating around concerning the issues raised.
I think it's fair to assume that most free campers (lets not include backpackers without self containment), are so due to two reasons- 1/ they cant afford more than one or two nights a week in a CP. And/or 2/ they prefer the environment of the free camp.
However if free campers are like us, we do still attend one to 3 nights in a CP for reasons of- washing clothes/bedding, visit local cafes, theatres, markets...basically enjoy what the town has to offer.
Take Maryborough QLD. We were going to visit for a few hours. Then was learned a Thursday market was in the main street. We paid for 3 days at the parking area in the CBD and visited the botanical gardens across the road.
However, that soaked up a little more of our pension than we'd planned so we used some extra free camps on our way to Bundy. We are self contained and we get angry with the travellers crapping in the bush 5 metres from the boundary left on the surface. That is a major issue.
Often we'll take a garbage bag and collect rubbish as we walk our mini foxy. It comes down to attitude.
I think the comment about free campers expecting free camps near or in town is a fair one. We should not expect that. If there is no free camp and we decide to keep driving we dont judge that town as anti free camper, we still shop there regardless.
Free campers arent necessarily "tight" and CP regulars aren't necessarily "rich". We are all vanners that have different levels of resources. It would be good if we unite on that basis.
Swampy, I'd not bother with creating a movement to push for more free camps. I think your better bet is to push for low cost camps. One example is the scout camp 14 km west of Bundaberg with acres of room, a caretaker and reasonable fees. There are many such establishments with facilities that could become a new venture just as showgrounds have developed.
My view.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
, hi,wheneverwethere, dead right.I am set up with off road camper trailer.g u patrol dual bats for power .I can have the best of both worlds c.p. or station stay.
in station stay plenty of area to camp.As you say just walk 100 mts and dig a hole.I always leave area clean ,burn all food scraps/rubbish at night on camp fire.
I leave nothing behind cans,bottles bring back in bag secured till I see empty rubbish bin on road back.
I would have to agree 100%, in particularly your last paragraph, I think many who free camp would be happy with low cost areas. As you said earlier $48(often dearer along the coast) is expensive for a lot of people, especially for what you are getting or want(a liitle power for the night). Sadly the rubbish issue is there for all of us to see, not nice, and not sure how you fix it. Ferals are just that feral, luckily they are a small minority.
Also nice to see a comment that has not put others down. Its really not that hard is it!
Having a difference of opinion is not the problem , but how one expresses that opinion sometimes is on this forum. This forum is particularly bad, but its only a few. cheers Ian
-- Edited by Wanda on Sunday 23rd of December 2018 03:58:53 PM
32 years ago, escaping from Thatcher's Britain we moved to Australia. It was either just before we left or just after we arrived that I had a conversation with an Aussie friend, the main gist of which has remained with me.
She said It's easier to be poor in Australia than it is in England, because you always have the bush you can spend time in for little or no cost, & she was right, & to a lesser extent than back then still is.
England has pay kiosks attached to just about anywhere that people would like to go. Camping of any description is far more controlled & costly.
The problem as I & many others see it, is I think that over the 3 decades I have been an Australian, we all here have lost something precious, something we fled from in the UK. It is epitomised by the economic jargon User Pays. Code for Its ok to accept an increasing gap between the haves & the have nots. It is an ethos which has become so ingrained that many cannot conceive of anything different ......... but we have lost a great deal & it affects how we look at & perceive our fellow campers.
Online traveller/RV/caravan forums, largely populated by people of our age - baby boomer grey nomads often Speak, type & behave as though the entire gamut of camping opportunities , from the humble gravel pit to the Big 4 are only there for them.
In short they make much the same mistake as the Caravan Park profiteers who view the travelling public as little more than mobile bank balances to which they are entitled.
All too often these changed perceptions on both sides of the argument running through this & any number of other threads, mean that it is the disadvantaged who are hurt the most. The commodification of 'grey nomadism', something most if not all of us have contributed to in some way is the real problem.
Yes there is still plenty of bush where we (& they* ) can camp but often it is they* who are more in need of town based options with basic facilities, & it is these that many among us argue (as in this thread) that it is reasonable to pay for. This argument removes options from those who need them, & plays into the hands of profiteers without compassion.
*They = The poor, the homeless, the jobless, the itinerant workers, the mentally ill, the lost, the women escaping abuse etc etc
All have need for free places to stay in towns they pass through. All Local councils should (& some do) view provision of short term camp spots with water & toilets as their responsibility, no different to the provision of public toilets, street lights or pavements.
How should they be paid for. ..... the same way all their services are paid for. From the rates. Reciprocal agreement between all councils. My council with my rates provides a place for anyone who needs it whilst passing through my area & I should be able to expect the same elsewhere. Some councils are wealthier than others due to higher populations, & could by arrangement subsidise others. Most folk want to travel & stay in rural areas, but come from cities where there is less demand For camp spots. Your city rates can help to provide what you need when travelling bush!
Remember I am talking about short term basic camps. 1 or 2 nights + toilet & drinking water. If folk want more than that, or longer stays that becomes the province of CP's, motels, hotels etc.
Idealistic .... yes. But it is a sustainable model achievable with sufficient support. In the meantime there is a great deal of shooting oneself in the foot going on.
Forums are all about people expressing their opinions. That's what a forum is.
We gave our honest opinion, simple really.
If you don't enjoy people posting their opinions don't subscribe to a forum.
That's right but a personal attack is against any forum rules that you may go to.
I am not the only one to see that a new member has made an innocent post and been castigated for his question. And I did use the word "venomous" and I stand by it.
Ok you want venom exhibited to a then 5post writer writer that starts off wishing you a merry xmas? Then here it is simply by quoting your posts.
And all seemingly approved by the admin, who no doubt would like to welcome new members.
Ist reply .Blaze said ?"Pisses me off" when people keep winging about councils and cv parks. So the OP is a whinger, realize that no one else has replied but you.
2nd reply...Clique member 2 chimes in?.Brickies?Well said Blaze. "Lets get this OP"
3rd reply...Clique member 3 chimes in?.Hewy54comes for the ride?.. Agree. Well said Blaze. "Agree lets get this OP"
So the very first three answers to a 5 post new member is that he pisses them off.
More kind words from Desert Dweller ?. And another put down?.Free, free, free that's all we hear these days. Anyone whose travels "rely on everything being for free." C
Deserrt Dweller keeps at his target with another insult to the OP?. There's a million square kilometers of bush out there, get away from the throng, go camp in it, or are you scared of being attacked by a killer Possum?
So now he is a coward scared of a possum. And just to intimidate with further criticism. you wrote in a pic ?It better be free"
I put it to you that these are not answers that you would like to come your way and are indeed venomous.
32 years ago, escaping from Thatcher's Britain we moved to Australia. It was either just before we left or just after we arrived that I had a conversation with an Aussie friend, the main gist of which has remained with me.
She said It's easier to be poor in Australia than it is in England, because you always have the bush you can spend time in for little or no cost, & she was right, & to a lesser extent than back then still is.
England has pay kiosks attached to just about anywhere that people would like to go. Camping of any description is far more controlled & costly.
The problem as I & many others see it, is I think that over the 3 decades I have been an Australian, we all here have lost something precious, something we fled from in the UK. It is epitomised by the economic jargon User Pays. Code for Its ok to accept an increasing gap between the haves & the have nots. It is an ethos which has become so ingrained that many cannot conceive of anything different ......... but we have lost a great deal & it affects how we look at & perceive our fellow campers.
Online traveller/RV/caravan forums, largely populated by people of our age - baby boomer grey nomads often Speak, type & behave as though the entire gamut of camping opportunities , from the humble gravel pit to the Big 4 are only there for them.
In short they make much the same mistake as the Caravan Park profiteers who view the travelling public as little more than mobile bank balances to which they are entitled.
All too often these changed perceptions on both sides of the argument running through this & any number of other threads, mean that it is the disadvantaged who are hurt the most. The commodification of 'grey nomadism', something most if not all of us have contributed to in some way is the real problem.
Yes there is still plenty of bush where we (& they* ) can camp but often it is they* who are more in need of town based options with basic facilities, & it is these that many among us argue (as in this thread) that it is reasonable to pay for. This argument removes options from those who need them, & plays into the hands of profiteers without compassion.
*They = The poor, the homeless, the jobless, the itinerant workers, the mentally ill, the lost, the women escaping abuse etc etc
All have need for free places to stay in towns they pass through. All Local councils should (& some do) view provision of short term camp spots with water & toilets as their responsibility, no different to the provision of public toilets, street lights or pavements.
How should they be paid for. ..... the same way all their services are paid for. From the rates. Reciprocal agreement between all councils. My council with my rates provides a place for anyone who needs it whilst passing through my area & I should be able to expect the same elsewhere. Some councils are wealthier than others due to higher populations, & could by arrangement subsidise others. Most folk want to travel & stay in rural areas, but come from cities where there is less demand For camp spots. Your city rates can help to provide what you need when travelling bush!
Remember I am talking about short term basic camps. 1 or 2 nights + toilet & drinking water. If folk want more than that, or longer stays that becomes the province of CP's, motels, hotels etc.
Idealistic .... yes. But it is a sustainable model achievable with sufficient support. In the meantime there is a great deal of shooting oneself in the foot going on.
Might I respectfully reply to that post.
I came to Australia in 1974. I flew here unassisted and when I stepped off the plane in Melbourne I had enough money to cover one weeks accommodation in a cheap motel so there was plenty of motivation to find work. I found myself a job and over the past 40 odd years I have paid my taxes and made my contribution. I saw Australia as the land of opportunity, I worked hard and made best use of those opportunities. I never once claimed a cent from the Govt in assistance for anything. Because of the opportunities that Australia offered me I have accumulated some assets over the years and I am grateful to have been offered those opportunities.
Australia owes me nothing, it provided me with a new life for which I am grateful. I don't feel I am entitled to anything.
Forums are all about people expressing their opinions. That's what a forum is.
We gave our honest opinion, simple really.
If you don't enjoy people posting their opinions don't subscribe to a forum.
That's right but a personal attack is against any forum rules that you may go to.
I am not the only one to see that a new member has made an innocent post and been castigated for his question. And I did use the word "venomous" and I stand by it.
Ok you want venom exhibited to a then 5post writer writer that starts off wishing you a merry xmas? Then here it is simply by quoting your posts.
And all seemingly approved by the admin, who no doubt would like to welcome new members.
Ist reply .Blaze said ?"Pisses me off" when people keep winging about councils and cv parks. So the OP is a whinger, realize that no one else has replied but you.
2nd reply...Clique member 2 chimes in?.Brickies?Well said Blaze. "Lets get this OP"
3rd reply...Clique member 3 chimes in?.Hewy54comes for the ride?.. Agree. Well said Blaze. "Agree lets get this OP"
So the very first three answers to a 5 post new member is that he pisses them off.
More kind words from Desert Dweller ?. And another put down?.Free, free, free that's all we hear these days. Anyone whose travels "rely on everything being for free." C
Deserrt Dweller keeps at his target with another insult to the OP?. There's a million square kilometers of bush out there, get away from the throng, go camp in it, or are you scared of being attacked by a killer Possum?
So now he is a coward scared of a possum. And just to intimidate with further criticism. you wrote in a pic ?It better be free"
I put it to you that these are not answers that you would like to come your way and are indeed venomous.
Not exactly welcoming are they.. Gotta feel for the OP.
Thanks everyone for their remarks. To some, they must be careful what they say as they do not know who they are talking to. So let me introduce myself. I am a retired plumber. I had to retire because of PTSD. This was caused from nearly loosing my life in Vietnam, as a rifleman in the infantry. I lost many friends during that war. But thats another story. So go ahead all you baggers, you dont worry nor do you concern me. Thanks for the good informed info by others, and my question has been answered. Its been amusing reading.. Regards Swampy
-- Edited by Swampy42 on Sunday 23rd of December 2018 07:39:13 PM
Thanks everyone for their remarks. To some, they must be careful what they say as they do not know who they are talking to. So let me introduce myself. I am a retired plumber. I had to retire because of PTSD. This was caused from nearly loosing my life in Vietnam, as a rifleman in the infantry. I lost many friends during that war. But thats another story. So go ahead all you baggers, you dont worry nor do you concern me. Thanks for the good informed info by others, and my question has been answered. Its been amusing reading.. Regards Swampy
-- Edited by Swampy42 on Sunday 23rd of December 2018 07:39:13 PM
I came to Australia in 1974. I flew here unassisted and when I stepped off the plane in Melbourne I had enough money to cover one weeks accommodation in a cheap motel so there was plenty of motivation to find work. I found myself a job and over the past 40 odd years I have paid my taxes and made my contribution. I saw Australia as the land of opportunity, I worked hard and made best use of those opportunities. I never once claimed a cent from the Govt in assistance for anything. Because of the opportunities that Australia offered me I have accumulated some assets over the years and I am grateful to have been offered those opportunities.
Australia owes me nothing, it provided me with a new life for which I am grateful. I don't feel I am entitled to anything.
Also with respect Monty
It would be fair to say that your history in Australia & your consequently feelings are very similar to mine. Our beginnings here were similar to yours & we are self funded retirees.
That said however I cannot see how what you have written actually responds to what I had written, unless you feel that I was expressing some sense of entitlement myself. If that were so then I am afraid you have badly misinterpreted what I wrote.
In my post I set out to do two things. 1.To offer an alternative discourse to the ever circular freecamping/caravan park arguments which if adopted by the RV travelling public might have the potential to bring folks together rather than maintain & build on division & 2. To argue for a broader & more egalitarian approach to the issues.
-- Edited by Cuppa on Sunday 23rd of December 2018 08:09:48 PM
I came to Australia in 1974. I flew here unassisted and when I stepped off the plane in Melbourne I had enough money to cover one weeks accommodation in a cheap motel so there was plenty of motivation to find work. I found myself a job and over the past 40 odd years I have paid my taxes and made my contribution. I saw Australia as the land of opportunity, I worked hard and made best use of those opportunities. I never once claimed a cent from the Govt in assistance for anything. Because of the opportunities that Australia offered me I have accumulated some assets over the years and I am grateful to have been offered those opportunities.
Australia owes me nothing, it provided me with a new life for which I am grateful. I don't feel I am entitled to anything.
Also with respect Monty
It would be fair to say that your history in Australia & your consequently feelings are very similar to mine. Our beginnings here were similar to yours & we are self funded retirees.
That said however I cannot see how what you have written actually responds to what I had written, unless you feel that I was expressing some sense of entitlement myself. If that were so then I am afraid you have badly misinterpreted what I wrote.
In my post I set out to do there things. 1.To offer an alternative discourse to the ever circular freecamping/caravan park arguments which if adopted by the RV travelling public might have the potential to bring folks together rather than maintain & build on division & 2. To argue for a broader & more egalitarian approach to the issues.
I don't see Caravan Parks as profiteers no more than I see travellers looking for low cost or free camping as free loaders.
Monty, I dont see all caravan park owners as merely profit driven, I'm sure there are good & bad in all walks of life. I do however see a strain of entitlement in the actions of those who act like they believe that they have a right to take the money of anyone camping within 'their jurisdiction. It is my view that if they provide a service which is attractive & what people want they will have a good & succesful business. If rather than attempting to funnel people into parks by restricting anything they perceive as 'competition, & instead support something along the lines that I suggested then the respect shown & the goodwill generated would surely attract more folk, including those who wanted to stay longer than the basic free camp offered.
Personally my wife & I are not generally attracted to towns as places to stay, we prefer 'bush' & 'remote', for us towns are places of re-supply, not destinations.
It seems reasonable however given my views on the need for our community to re-visit caring, compassion, fairness & egalitarianism to suggest a means to end the blame game which always arises in free camping vs CP discussion, & to model a hopefully positive & respectful style of sharing views which may differ from others.