To all those who can't see a problem, how about 3 of us turn up on your driveway and dump our grey water! What would you think then.
I would have thought that 99% of those who have contributed to this thread indeed have seen the problem and agree that it was "if not disgusting, at least anti-social, thoughtless and inconsiderate."
However, it needs to be looked at pragmatically.
To discharge grey water in my (or anyone's driveway - private residence, business residence, van park etc etc) has absolutely no bearing on this discussion.
I said earlier - "This highway roadhouse will not only have an extensive drainage system installed underground, discharging to approved drainage pipes, but will have the facility to capture and direct liquid, spills or otherwise to its surface, to the drainage grates/holes provided throughout the hard-seal. Indeed, this drainage system will cope daily with far worse things than 'grey water'." A considerable difference to what anyone's driveway could cope with ... unless they live in an industrial site/area.
Again, it is incumbent upon all of us to make sure each of us minimises how 'disgusting' we are in ANY way to our environment.
cheers - stay well and safe travels - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
* The relatively clean waste water from baths, sinks, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances.
MY TWO CENTS WORTH! Call me basic but, bush camping mostly and travelling on the road for over 28,000 km around OZ this term 'Grey Water' has always baffled me . But I legally carry a plastic jerry can with me at all time to abide by regulations.
It is only common sense really, utilise a plastic washing up dish (instead of my van sink) that minimises water usage and taking sponge baths in a plastic bucket at night to freshen up, minimising grey water usage.
Every three of four days
I head into civilization- a caravan park, to shower, shampoo and do the laundry and into the local IGA'S or Coles or Woolies to restock.
That is how simple life can be really!!! Have a great day! Gwynnie
'The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.' - Thomas Szasz
Hey amigo!! Yes the two cent coins are out and hopefully so will the five cents soon, they weigh down my change purse too much! However my life's ideology remains the main message here, keep things simple hey! Gwynnie
'The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.' - Thomas Szasz
Holy heck. Ive been off this forum for a while and come back to read this bickering. I think I might leave again and see if things improve in a few months. Sigh
Mike Harding wrote:I've quite enjoyed this thread; I haven't seen so much righteous indignation since I last peeked in at a Greens Party meeting :)
I must have missed all this discussion when I was away, but glad I picked up on it for Mike's sheer Gold sentence above. Absolute classic.
As for the 3 stooges at the start that caused this mess, some people are just inconsiderate about where they release their stench, not bothering to care about what or who they affect.