I read on the ABC news app I have on my mobile phone that 'Telstra' have access to the 'My Health' records.........WHY ??????????
I actually signed up a couple of months back as thought it a good idea being a full time GN and the possibility of having to see different medical professional's. The GP I saw in Wonthaggi at the time, who I used to see when living there, suggested it as a good idea. Hope I have made the right choice
Keep Safe on the roads and out there.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Not quite right Dougwee, Telstra is developing It's own health app called HealthNow (probably to sell insurance everyone else does) which they have permission to add a MyHealth link to their app. Why anyone would bother has got me simply download the Governments free app.
The more doctors around the whole country know about our patient history the better.
Nothing to hide, pretty simple really.
Who cares who hacks into it?
think of the young people who are coming behind us, all their information will be available to who ever end's up buying the information the same as face book with their security breach. it could affect their future employment,insurance cover, loan approval, ect ect ect
-- Edited by dogbox on Tuesday 24th of July 2018 12:05:34 PM
No security is of any use when the holder of the data is selling the data to the highest bidder bidders. It is common knowledge that all data held now is available to the highest bidder or to anyone who has the knowledge to gt in. even military and government sites are known targets so this basic attempt. All foes are in PDF format and are not colatable so really for a data base fairly useless really. Most doctors will opt out as it will be a lot of work for them , or they will have to charge a fee for the data entry on top of your consultation.
11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again
You can believe in any conspiracy theories you like, Dr's will finally have everything at there finger tips especially the hospital data they never received before, My Dr files his examination at each and every appointment while I'm there, I would suggest if yours isn't then he or she is not doing their job. Since when has the Goverment sold your information, no heresay or apparently or a mates mate etc facts only please, I've had enough of this ho ha by those that do not stay informed!
You can believe in any conspiracy theories you like, Dr's will finally have everything at there finger tips especially the hospital data they never received before, My Dr files his examination at each and every appointment while I'm there, I would suggest if yours isn't then he or she is not doing their job. Since when has the Goverment sold your information, no heresay or apparently or a mates mate etc facts only please, I've had enough of this ho ha by those that do not stay informed!
You sure? Do you know what your wife has told her/your GP when you weren't there?
>then by cracking Military grade incriptions.
The term "Military grade" is meaningless techno-babble. And the word is "encryption".
If the data can be seen as "plain text" on hospital and doctor's computers then it can be seen as plain text on any computer with the appropriate software. How long do you think it will be before that software is available as a torrent? Would you bet on five days or ten?
It does baffle me as to why some of you are acting as flag wavers for this endeavour.
Anyway: feel free to post your medical records to me, I have webspace upon which I'd be happy to publish them.
PS. Remember to include full contact details.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Since when has the Goverment sold your information
I think a number of departments regularly sell personal information to debt collectors, don't they? Didn't we just have a thread about ambulance services doing this?
Edit: But mainly they just give it away either on a voluntary basis to other federal or state agencies or, increasingly, on an involuntary basis to computer hackers.
-- Edited by Mike Harding on Tuesday 24th of July 2018 02:19:59 PM
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Lots of people, especially those young people needing health insurance into the future. Examples from the USA show that young people have been refused coverage based on the health records of parents and grandparents and great grandparents. Any disease, such as breast cancer, has a genetic component. If a parent or grand parent has had breast cancer, insurers may chose not to cover a child of a past breast cancer patient. Think Cystic Fibrosis, any incident in the family tree will exclude any child from coverage.
Nothing to hide? Lots to hide, from the nasty people out there who will use information against you or yours. We already have health insurance providers asking government to allow them access to the information. No conspiracy, they want access to the private data and you can bet it is not for the individual's benefit. Travel insurance providers have also indicated they want access. If there is a dollar to be made, then the nasty people will be out to get access to you health records.
Government assurances of data security are no more than a joke. Hackers have broken into the most secure data bases in the world and published that data on the web.
Do I need to disclose whether I have opted out?
Semi-permanent state of being Recreationally Outraged as a defence against boredom during lockdown.
Please enlighten me dogbox just how will employers,insurance companies and banks get this information?
Your more likely to loose health information at your local Dr's then by cracking Military grade incriptions.
-- Edited by Kebbin on Tuesday 24th of July 2018 01:05:08 PM
what just happen on face book !!
did someone not access the plans for our submarines that the FRENCH are designing?
have not medical records already been made public ?
the records at your doctors are their records an if it became public that they disclosed sensitive info their business would suffer
everytime you go to the doctor an claim a service there is a record with medicare all they are doing now is to make those record more accessible an for your records to stay on file for 30 years may make it hard for your grand /great grand kids if you had some condition that may affect them in other than health ways the idea is good but history tells us that it will be misused by someone
Lots of people, especially those young people needing health insurance into the future. Examples from the USA show that young people have been refused coverage based on the health records of parents and grandparents and great grandparents. Any disease, such as breast cancer, has a genetic component. If a parent or grand parent has had breast cancer, insurers may chose not to cover a child of a past breast cancer patient. Think Cystic Fibrosis, any incident in the family tree will exclude any child from coverage.
Nothing to hide? Lots to hide, from the nasty people out there who will use information against you or yours. We already have health insurance providers asking government to allow them access to the information. No conspiracy, they want access to the private data and you can bet it is not for the individual's benefit. Travel insurance providers have also indicated they want access. If there is a dollar to be made, then the nasty people will be out to get access to you health records.
Government assurances of data security are no more than a joke. Hackers have broken into the most secure data bases in the world and published that data on the web.
Do I need to disclose whether I have opted out?
I wonder. Does everything your gp writes on his files about u, also go on the gov. Website? Or is it now just one file with access to all To know your business?
One would be astounded at just what the police force/s have access to ... Facebook posts AND chat info, ..... a myriad of things - probably even posts on this and other forums ... some things with court warrant/s and some just because they can show 'just cause'.
Despite all that ... I am in MyHealth for the past five years and will continue to be ... there is nothing in my record/s that I care is seem by anybody else.
Given that, though, I can understand why some are more fearful and are VERY uncertain about their records being on a database - no matter what the assurances.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
It can easily be used for fraud and is harder to detected that credit fraud. Credit fraud can easily be stopped by cancelling the card or account number.
Refer links in google search ... "Why is Health information so valuable to hackers"
There has already been one Australian health insurance company that has said it would be a good idea to have access ( for lower premiums was their claim I think)
Insurance companies ask for my Health access when apply AND claim insurance. ( Nothing really new in this , they have always asked for all health records access when making a claim , so would obtain a record of all Medicare claims and your prescriptions for a long long time .)
The my Health legislation states Police will have access, no mention of any oversight such as at present like court orders etc , access will also be provided to government departments "... to prevent financial loss ..."
The My Health organization says it will only release information on a court order. However , the legislation does not say a court order is needed.
Still can't see the issue, if you don't want to then opt out, simple. No more pointless arguments. As for GN's having access to medical records whilst travelling, surely you know your own health history?
"Sadly you can say what you like around the kitchen table at home." Why is it sad?? It's the kitchen table FFS!!
That's the point of the quote: at the time she made the speech containing that line Gillian Triggs was head of the Australian Human Rights Commission a body who, one would think, should be strongly supporting the human right to free speech yet here is this supposed torch bearer of freedom bemoaning that in their own homes people may speak as they wish. One may assume she would prefer listening devices in all rooms to ensure only government approved thoughts were permitted to be uttered.
And this from the head of the *Human Rights Commission*!
It's people such as Triggs who make me very worried about governments seeking more control and information about us.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Still can't see the issue, if you don't want to then opt out, simple. No more pointless arguments. As for GN's having access to medical records whilst travelling, surely you know your own health history?
'ZACTLY ! ! ! ...... but that's the nature of forums - they go round and round with the opinions being increasingly pushed.
If it's a problem to any individual ... then take the offered opportunity and opt out - no-one will hold it against you.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan