I am a big fan of the BOM, I use their forecasts a lot and often rely upon them for my welfare when I'm in remote locations.
To my considerably surprise the Melbourne weather forecast text was much longer than usual this morning; upon reading it became apparent it was rather more than a forecast ie:
---- http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/melbourne.shtml Mostly cloudy. Areas of morning fog. Patches of light early morning frost in the Yarra Valley. Light winds. Bureau staff have been fighting for years to hold onto the conditions we have, but they are under attack. The Executive and the Government want to see the Bureau staff go backwards. This 5 year pay freeze - while we defend our allowances and conditions - is hurting us and hurting our families. We love the work we do, we know you value it too. Please support us to get a fair deal. ----
The BOM staff are not militant trade unionists and if they have to do this to get our support then I'm more than willing to sign a petition in their support, please consider doing the same:
Mike when I clicked on the link I found that it took me to a site that is run by the Victorian Trades and Labour Council i.e. megaphone.com.au. As much as I can empathise with the BOM guys I don't believe that it is my place to try and put pressure on either side during what looks like negotiations around a new work place agreement. Maybe I'm misreading it but is this post not pushing a political point of view and according to the forum guidelines better off avoided ?
-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Wednesday 27th of June 2018 03:28:25 PM
I don't consider wage negotiations to be political - in this instance the BOM just happen to be employed by the government but if they were employed by Esso I'd be just as supportive.
They have been treated badly by their employers - read the info - and I see my signature on the petition purely as moral support for a group of people who do a terrific job, are highly qualified, generally underpaid and rarely appreciated by the public, however that same public are quick to blame when they get it wrong.
If I thought they were simply grasping to squeeze every cent then I would not support them but I think the opposite is the case and I want the BOM to continue doing the outstanding work, at the same quality level, they have always done and that won't happen unless they can attract the high level of skill and education required to do this very complex work. You pay peanuts... you get monkeys.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Mike obviously you must know a lot more about the BOM's current conditions of employment than I do - the only information I have is what I saw on that Megaphone site i.e. some general claims about what they were going to lose if they agreed to a new agreement. Another reason why I was reluctant to add my name was because I haven't seen what they have been offered and I like to know exactly what I'm supporting before I sign petitions. As far as my comment about politics was concerned I wasn't referring to the wage negotiations it was more to do with the Victorian Trades and Labour Council who are supporting it. If you think that they aren't a politically motivated organisation then I guess that we will just have to agree to differ.
If people feel that this is a worthy cause and they want to support it I've no problem with that go ahead and add your name to the list. Personally I hope that the 2 parties can come up with a fair and equitable agreement without taking industrial action and without any involvement from me..
without clicking on the link, what do they currently get as a salary and entitlements?
Pretty simple to want more, I sure do = havent had a raise in longer than that- but if they are already on a fortune.....