hello, i saw in get together that dickdownunder said there is a button "recently active topics". Been on this forum since 2011 and did not know. can someone tell me where it is. Thanks.
Alternately, click on "User Details" at the top of the page, Then click on "Settings" on the LHS of the page. In the "Settings" you will find "Email Digest of New Topics." You can set this up to send you an email of new postings hourly, daily or less often.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
I dont bother with email notifications as I was getting too many from various sites but that is a personal thing.
I find the recent topics is much easier to use than to trawl through the various topics and if you visit once a day then most posts will be on the first page unless on the odd occasion that activity has been busy and it may run to the second page. The other thing is that the little box that is on the left at the beginning of each topic on the list will remain black if no new posts have been added and will be a type of grey colour if someone has replied.
The unread posts will be in "bold" and the read posts will be normal type.
-- Edited by Dickodownunder on Sunday 8th of April 2018 09:51:26 AM
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
Thank you forum guys and gals,
That makes it a lot more user friendly. I am not on here every day but since finding this forum a few weeks ago I do like to check whats happening from time to time. This will make it easier to scroll through the new posts..
Thank you PeterD I have found those details and will try it out.
The only downside in my finer details is that my hubby and I just share the same email which was a legacy from when we were in business and we both try not to clog the email account with items which may be irrelevent to the other.
I am trying to talk him into participating in the forum but he says it is not his scene :(
I think he does have a secret read occasionally, oooh! I better be careful, he may read this :)