You buy WikiCamps for either Apple or Android. Once purchased you can put on all devices of the same type. It's well worth the cost. Not just freebies, but heaps more stuff and you can set up filters: eg free, dogs & dump point.
Wikicamps is IMHO excellent and is our goto for all campsite info. I have found that the comments are not always in tune with my read on a particular location by never the less a good guide. Cheers,
another +1 for wiki.
There are so many filters you can use to really specify what you're after.
Plus the added pictures and comments can be a great help.
Obviously take some with a grain of salt but they will give you a pretty good feel for the place.
The only thing I hate about Wikicamps is the people who stay in a free camp with a donation box & proudly state they stayed there & paid nothing. These pr#@ks infuriate me.
The only thing I hate about Wikicamps is the people who stay in a free camp with a donation box & proudly state they stayed there & paid nothing. These pr#@ks infuriate me.
The only thing I hate about Wikicamps is the people who stay in a free camp with a donation box & proudly state they stayed there & paid nothing. These pr#@ks infuriate me.
Probably the same people who complain about the amenities on site too.
The only thing I hate about Wikicamps is the people who stay in a free camp with a donation box & proudly state they stayed there & paid nothing. These pr#@ks infuriate me.
Probably the same people who complain about the amenities on site too.
Exactly what I was going to say.
Also why people complain re the noise from Gennies is beyond me. I am talking of a a bush camp, not so like the free camp in the main street of Home Hill in Qld.
I always advise my neighbours if I start my gennie, 99 plus % of the time they have no issues.
I despise ( Strong word I know) those who do not kick the can where there is a donation box. These people are part of the cause of the issue why free camping may / could be in danger in may camp areas. There is a cost involved to maintain the camp site, so contribute I say.
Oh!!! by the way Wiki Camp is in our opinion our bible when on the road, not just for camp spots but for many other points of interest ie Dump points and C.Parks if needed.
-- Edited by JayDee on Sunday 11th of March 2018 08:15:43 AM