back home in QLD. Waiting for the wet to be finished. Jusst spent 5mths down south, was getting far to hot, so nice to be back in beautiful Cairns, were the weather is almost always great.
Enjoying the summer in Nambucca Heads NSW, we'll be heading of about mid April across to SA, up through the centre, then into Queensland (again), then back to Nambucca around November.... That's the plan all going well.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
Green Hil Lake reserve near Ararat. 25 degrees, no wind and very pleasant. Been here since Sunday and heading home tomorrow. A perfect week with only one day 30 degrees.
At Homebush -near Avoca, Victoria = weather is fantastic, sun, blue sky, light breeze - and that has been just about same every day since we got here before Christmas.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
At Homebush -near Avoca, Victoria = weather is fantastic, sun, blue sky, light breeze - and that has been just about same every day since we got here before Christmas.
We are at Moruya Heads on the NSW south coast, travelled via Gippsland and up the coast from Victoria to get here. Its been really peaceful through the week, but the weekends are busier with people coming from Canberra and around Sydney for short breaks. Will probably head inland next, maybe Tumut.
Looks like Victoria is the place to be. Hope to go to Green Hill Lake for a week or two in March / April. My avatar was taken just up the hill from Tumut - noted someone was enjoying Tumut. Beautiful part of the planet.
-- Edited by RustyD on Friday 16th of February 2018 08:30:34 PM
With the current severe water restrictions, we have to find out how much of our garden is still alive! Tomorrow is our permitted day but won't make the morning watering, so it will have to be by bucket, hose tomorrow night.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Sitting here in Vic with van packed for about 3 weeks ready to trip off in this nice weather. However with two funerals this week, several eye specialists trips (and now getting cataracts removed), a few skins cancers removed, possibly having a tear repaired in my shoulder, wife's dental appointments (broke a tooth). Plus looking after my grandson when his father managed to hospitalised himself for 3 weeks and mum was at work.
However I have managed to have a massive cleanup - selling all sorts of stuff on Gumtree, several trips to the tip, rubbish bins full.
About to get my nature strip converted to crushed rock so I don't have to arrange to get it mowed when nomadding about.
Sitting here in Vic with van packed for about 3 weeks ready to trip off in this nice weather. However with two funerals this week, several eye specialists trips (and now getting cataracts removed), a few skins cancers removed, possibly having a tear repaired in my shoulder, wife's dental appointments (broke a tooth). Plus looking after my grandson when his father managed to hospitalised himself for 3 weeks and mum was at work.
However I have managed to have a massive cleanup - selling all sorts of stuff on Gumtree, several trips to the tip, rubbish bins full.
About to get my nature strip converted to crushed rock so I don't have to arrange to get it mowed when nomadding about.
As we get oder (& I see that you are 10 years younger than me) it seems that we have to manage our getaways around our medical appointments.
I too am slowly getting rid of all those 'essential' things, lots of paperwork like every tax return since I started work & lots of wood and metal offcuts stored on the downstairs rafters that I 'might come in handy someday'.
We are trying to fit in a trip to Vic before winter arrives. If not it's back to Darwin again (SWMBO's preference).
-- Edited by Cupie on Sunday 18th of February 2018 11:32:03 AM
SA .. Victor Harbour. This time our mode of transport is a sedan . Nephews wedding on Friday in Melbourne. Then a hop, skip to South Australia. Had a few showers . Itās quite cool for this time of the year .