For all of us who are married, were married, wishyou were married, or wish you weren't married, thisis something to smile about the next time you see a Bottle of Wine.
Sally was driving home from one of her businesstrips in Northern Arizona when she saw an elderlyNavajo woman walking on the side of the road.
As the trip had been a long and quiet one, she stoppedthe car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a ride.
With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car.
Resuming the journey, Sally tried in vain to makea bit of small talk with the Navajo woman. The oldwoman just sat silently, looking intently at everything she saw, studying every little detail;until she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to Sally.
'What in bag?' asked the old woman.
Sally looked down at the brown bag and said, 'It'sa bottle of wine ... I got it for my husband.'
The Navajo woman was silent for another moment ortwo. Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder,she said:
'Good trade.
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.
My girls are Misha, Maddy, Morgan and Muffin. RIP Jen, my princess.
RIP Molly, our dear girl who crossed the Rainbow Bridge 24/10/2016. A loyal and faithful companion.