Not a joke, a true story, but made me laugh lots....... until!
3am, second nite in our new (to us) van with ensuite. Darling wife goes for a wee. I hear a hell of a scream, a few expletives, then silence. Wife gets back in to bed, hair dripping wet. "What the bloody hell happened?" I ask. "I dumped the stupid shower tap with my bum! That's what @#$%ing well happened!"
After laughing so much I had trouble getting back to sleep. Wife not happy.
About the same time on the 4th nite nature called me, went to the ensuite, and bugga me, bumped the shower tap! What a stupid place to put it!!!!!!!!!! Being bald, at least my hair didn't get wet, but my singlet n jocks were saturated. We've been home two days now and my lovely wife is still bloody laughing.
ps.......... shower rose lives in the hand basin at nite now!