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Post Info TOPIC: NSW Double Demerit points from tonight.


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RE: NSW Double Demerit points from tonight.

adreamer wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:
Desert Dweller wrote:
Aussie1 wrote:

Perhaps a little change in one's own attitude may assist no

 No attitude adjustment needed on our part. How co-operatve & friendly does one need to be?

Do you have an attitude problem with the authorities, we don't outwardly?



 Cobber, You portrayed the issues you have had with officers of the law as if ALL of them have a bad attitude. And that is simply not the case. Now, I am typing this very slowly so you may be able to follow. These police officers (that appear to have a set against you) may, as I said above, well have been dealing with really "nasty"situations before they had the pleasure to come across your goodself. So please do take another look at your attitude towards the police. 

As for me, the only attitude I have towards any authority (put in place for the benefit of all law abiding citizens) is one of absolute respect. 

It ain't that difficult mate.

Anyhow, I hope you have had as good Australia Day as myself. As I said before, enjoy your travels and stay safe and obey the rules with a pleasant attitude Cobber.    


 You should be a Priest Cobber


I don't think so, look how many of them end up in the newspapers for all the wrong reasons furious



We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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the day is soon coming when the electric self driving car will be the norm what will all the bad tempered law enforcement officers do then they will have to start chaseing the push bike riders because the cars won't speed ,go thru red lights, overtake ,park illegally ect ect being a hyway patrol officer has limited life as a Career



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Ok, can we take a good look at the overall System in my view. Its only my view. 

1. Double demerit points are put out there only when the roads are in heavy useage, used for people who need/Family/ want to travel / Need to travel point to point over a short period for work. Never at any other time.confuseconfuseconfuse


2. Why is this so. Its only my view to COLLECT from those who can least afford to.

Lets all think about it for one moment. Do you, yourself hit the open road at these times. I for one don't for the 2 simple reasons.

No1. Rat bag drivers doing the wrong thing is my

No 2. The thought of sitting in long queues, Not for me after

The majority of Police leave is cancelled at these times.The funds to pay the extra overtime is paid for, by ??????? The above.


I wrote some time back, giving a classic example  of the Sydney to Newcastle M1 motorway sign posted for the majority @ 110kmph. Mid week I were a passenger traveling in a car @ 120-122kmph. There were 8 cars traveling in this group going north. We passed 8 HWP cars at various stages on this road.

NOT ONE, I repeate Not one of those cars moved an inch. The weather was fine.

The same afternoon heading south,on the M1 sign posted 110km. We had rain and again we were in a group including one empty simi trailer all were doing 120km plus. We passed 4-5 HWP cars sitting upon the same road. Not one moved yet again. WHY.confuseconfuseconfuse

 My view is simple.  To hot, To wet. OR just to Lazy to hand our more tickets.

For every ticket they write, there is more paper work to complete at the end of each shift. They work a 12 hour shift x four days on, x four days off.

Come February You won't see a Hwp car for quids. Why cause they are rostered off till Easter time.

I have old friends who left the force, because they wanted to be with their families. I don't blame them.

As to my reply, I stated that I got booked by a new point to point camera doing 77km over a 15km distance of rural

If the government wants to remove the carnage.Use only unmarked HWP cars.

The system Is Bent. When I say bent I mean Bent.

3. My way to deal with the system. And Again its only my way of thinking is this:

1. First offence you agree to a caution or accept the fine on the spot.= $269.00

2 Take the caution action and you agree a second infringement you cop it x 3 = $800.00

3. Third infringment x 6 = $1600

4. fourth infringment x12 = $3200.00

5. Fifth and you get a Life Ban.

Guess what the states won't come at it, as they make 10's of millons each and every year. ...........Very True. Money Grab Exercise.winkwinkwink

The next thing is this.

The HWP will be replaced, Total by fixed camera's.

Oup's I just gave the game away.

Think how much the States will gain. Not a silly as it sounds boys & Girl's. Job set and Match.





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speeding fines are a voluntary tax



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Hey Jim wrote:

Snip//Think how much the States will gain. Not a silly as it sounds boys & Girl's. Job set and Match.



You certainly are quite a cynic Hey Jim.hmm

Aussie Paul. smile



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Waaaaay too much time on your hands Jim.wink




Moonta, Copper Coast, South Aust.


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You think they are revenue raising in Oz come over here to Oman there is a speed camera at 5kms intervals on every highway in the country. There are also unmarked cars with speed cameras that like to hide in strategic locations everwhere else. One of the guys copped 6 fines in just one week for being 15kph over the limit - personally I think he should have been congratulated for being able to get his 1.3ltr Yaris up to 135kph as the speed limit is 120kph. They dont actually have a demerit system and its only recorded against you just in case you don,t pay the fine. He ended up having to pay 10 Rial (A$35) for each offence. Heres a question if the demerit system is not an effective way of reducing the road toll it,s just revenue raising  why are the roads generally better here yet I,m 6 times more likely to be killed in this country in a car accident ?



2018 Grand Cherokee Limited - 2022 Concorde 2000


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dogbox wrote:

speeding fines are a voluntary tax



Exactly Dogbox, and it is amazing that all the "girls & boys just don't get it no.  But on the other hand I would offer my thanks for their generous contributions to the coffers.  


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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my last fine was for speeding 91in 80 kph zone in WA drove thru about 5 klm of 80 klm zone there is the 100 kph sign ok lets go start to wind it up .you guessed it that was where the camera was to remind me that 100 kph starts after the sign

as stated a voluntary tax a lot of donation made by people passing thru the locals are all a wake up to it

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