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Post Info TOPIC: Motorists want ban on drivers over 80

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Motorists want ban on drivers over 80

This subject has almost been the number one subject in Perth on talk back radio today. 



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Amazing how many people think 80 is so far away it will never effect them.

In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people and simply let them be wrong.


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Was thinking the same !! 400 years to go !! Lol

Whats out there

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Its an interesting and challenging topic for all concerned



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Tell that to the 98 year old lady next door. She still drives up to the local shopping center & back home three times a week. Not a scratch on her vehicle either.

Plenty of hoons/boguns/mobile texters around that need to lose their license though. They don't have to worry anyway because they won't live to see 80.


Cheers Keith & Judy

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Personally I think ALL drivers should do a practical test every 5 years as they get into bad habits. For 9 years, up until April last year, I was a school crossing supervisor whose job it was to observe motorists and cross children safely and the things I would see. Age had nothing to do with it. Also how someone can be standing in the middle of the road wearing bright reflective clothing and holding a big stop sign and motorist say "I didn't see you there" is beyond me.



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So the pollies reckon we are healthy / fit enough to work till we are 80, but want us off the roads the day we are retired.  Tell em they're dreaming!

Another case of wanting the cake and eating it!


I'm just a CAD at heart


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Can't wait till they reach 80 years of age themselves.

What's that old saying!!!!!! Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw STONES.biggrin

When the shoe is on the other foot> Wear it.biggrin

Their turn will come.smilesmilesmile




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My son's grandfather-in-law kept his licence until he was 100 (now 102). The annual tests he had to do to keep his licence were extensive, exhaustive & expensive. He just wanted to keep his licence until 100. What it cost him to pay registration, insurance and his annual licence renewal cost about 10 times more than catching a taxi. The conditions on his licence were also tight so much so I don't think he drove after his test at 99. He knew he was beyond it.

I took my mum's car off her just before she turned 90. Her doctor said for me to get her to drive me to and from the doctor (I'd driven her to the doctor for a few years) and the doctor said she's sign something to have mum hand her licence in if I thought she was beyond driving. She was OK but mum just gave me the keys to her car when we got home.

I got hit by an old guy in his 80s trying to park his car when I was in my 20s. My car was < 24hours old and he took out both LH doors. He had a touch of dementia and had no idea he'd hit me. Turned out he'd been leaving a trail of destruction about town for several months but somehow repeated requests from his family to his doctor were not headed. After he hit me, he had his licence cancelled.


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I am more worried about those people affected by methamphetimine, other drugs n alcohol. I am all for much harsher penalties In these circumstances. Also, i just cannot get.   a grasp  Of why people would spend their money on these things N then to drive.  Just shake my head. Sorry i went off track. Got me wondering. There r people driving on the road in every age group that should not b on the road so why just attack one age group?



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Cadpete wrote:

So the pollies reckon we are healthy / fit enough to work till we are 80, but want us off the roads the day we are retired.  Tell em they're dreaming!

Another case of wanting the cake and eating it!


Understand the feelings Cadpete ... but the govt are not making anyone work beyond any age ... the stated age for the pension is the age that one is ELIGIBLE for the pension.

One can stop work whenever they want to ... as long as they can fund themselves until their eligibility for welfare assistance - hence the push for superannuation - whether sufficient or not ... that is the intention.

cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
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Media hype again, how any in the survey (100 ) and what age group ( all under 21 ). The survey 45% not 50% as stated, watch tv tonight i think current affair, that's got to be top credit rating show ( LOL )smile. Just love these old stories as gap fillers. Sill doe's not worry me i'm 65 and going backwards.

Regards Ge.






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Ok Iâll keep under 80 ..... kph .. lol

Whats out there


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rockylizard wrote:
Cadpete wrote:

So the pollies reckon we are healthy / fit enough to work till we are 80, but want us off the roads the day we are retired.  Tell em they're dreaming!

Another case of wanting the cake and eating it!


Understand the feelings Cadpete ... but the govt are not making anyone work beyond any age ... the stated age for the pension is the age that one is ELIGIBLE for the pension.

One can stop work whenever they want to ... as long as they can fund themselves until their eligibility for welfare assistance - hence the push for superannuation - whether sufficient or not ... that is the intention.

cheers - John

And it was Paul Keating that started the ball rolling for us to fund our own retirement and potentially retire earlier that the aged pension was available which was being rolled out further (women from 60 to 65 and now out further). Also take pressure off the Govt funding aged pensions. 





Centrelink - Living the Dream.

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I actually think its a pretty serious topic. Our reflexes vision etc certainly deteriorate as we get older and we certainly need to be cognisant of that. I think we have all seen some of the dumb stupid things that young drivers do but also there certainly some much older drivers that shouldnt be on the road. This has nothing to do with pensions or retirement age but everything to do with safe capable driving



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My Auntie is 87 and had one accident 7 years ago, not bad from 18. She self restricts her driving to her closest three suburbs in Western Melbourne, wont go onto freeway. But consider the two total idiots in Point Cook Christmas eve, 37 and 40 who killed themselves and an innocent lady coming the other way. Quote " we just taking new audi for a squirt" Unquote. The two? seconds of security camera of them is terrifying, but their reflexes must have been good. cheers Craig, now off the horse


Cheers Craig


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Well said Ger08. I'm still a long way from 80 but I know there are aspects of my own driving I need to keep considering and I have several million km under my belt. My siblings and I realized our mum was a danger to others from around age 50. It's scary that she towed a van 3 full laps. Many accidents later - major and minor but no one seriously injured somehow - at age 82 a bout of bone cancer finally took her out of the driver's seat because GP after GP just signed-off without knowing her real abilities.



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Actually, one needs to realise, and accept, that conditions/ailments/health issues affect motorists throughout the entire age group.

It is not just because of age alone - eg 80 or whatever - that dictates the competence of a driver. 

There needs to be tests/evaluations/examinations of ALL drivers throughout their life to ensure their suitability and competence to operate a motor vehicle effectively and safely.

cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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rockylizard wrote:


Actually, one needs to realise, and accept, that conditions/ailments/health issues affect motorists throughout the entire age group.

It is not just because of age alone - eg 80 or whatever - that dictates the competence of a driver. 

There needs to be tests/evaluations/examinations of ALL drivers throughout their life to ensure their suitability and competence to operate a motor vehicle effectively and safely.

cheers - John

I agree these days John. A very different, and far more dangerous, place on the roads these days compared to 50 years ago when I first got my licence. 

Aussie Paul. smile



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Never thought I would say it but I'm with DD on this if they if they are really serious about safety there are plenty of hoons and show offs on the road that need removing. Before they start harassing our senior citizens. How about lifting the driving age to 25.

In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people and simply let them be wrong.

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landy wrote:

Never thought I would say it but I'm with DD on this if they if they are really serious about safety there are plenty of hoons and show offs on the road that need removing. Before they start harassing our senior citizens. How about lifting the driving age to 25.

 I think the police in all states do their dam best to remove drivers of all ages that shouldnt be on the roads - again this is not about an us and them situation it is about the the actual capabilities of quite old drivers and how should manage it and harassing was never mentioned. I have seen some seriously incompetent older drivers that clearly shouldnt be on the roads as well as seen some great drivers that are very young. 



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aussie_paul wrote:
rockylizard wrote:


Actually, one needs to realise, and accept, that conditions/ailments/health issues affect motorists throughout the entire age group.

It is not just because of age alone - eg 80 or whatever - that dictates the competence of a driver. 

There needs to be tests/evaluations/examinations of ALL drivers throughout their life to ensure their suitability and competence to operate a motor vehicle effectively and safely.

cheers - John

I agree these days John. A very different, and far more dangerous, place on the roads these days compared to 50 years ago when I first got my licence. 

Aussie Paul. smile

 In Australia in 1975 there were around 46 deaths per 1 billion kms travelled in 2015 the number was under 5. The biggest 2 contributors in reducing the road toll (along with safer roads) has been the introduction of breath testing and seat belts. It may feel like it is more dangerous out there but the figures don,t back that up. Throw in air bags and all the other anti collision devices they are putting into todays vehicles and your chances of being involved in a fatal accident have reduced each year. More of a concern to me is that l am 6 times more likely to be killed on the road while I am here in Oman than you are back there in Australia. Look on the bright side once they introduce driverless cars your age wont matter anyhow"..........

cheers BB



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The proposition is unrealistic simply because one size doesn't fit all. Drawing a line at 80 is just an arbitrary nonsense. As several above have said, it's about competency, not age. Not everyone over 80 suddenly loses driving competence. No matter how unpalatable it may be, the only logical way to manage who should be behind the wheel is a system of regular tests throughout our driving life - with no bias to age.




"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato  

 The moral: Focus on the Facts



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the rocket wrote:

I am more worried about those people affected by methamphetimine, other drugs n alcohol. I am all for much harsher penalties In these circumstances. Also, i just cannot get.   a grasp  Of why people would spend their money on these things N then to drive.  Just shake my head. Sorry i went off track. Got me wondering. There r people driving on the road in every age group that should not b on the road so why just attack one age group?

 Very true.




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landy wrote:

How about lifting the driving age to 25.

 Landy I do hope you say this in jest ,,,,,    if so please disregard this post 

if the new driver has no experience at 18 WTF makes ya think they will some how magically have experience at 25 ffs this realy gets up my goat far better to start teaching them to,drive at 14 before they know everything and may still listen to an adult , get them driving with restrictions before the are 18 and alowed in a pub .

Having a relative high in the police force who reconds that if they had the money they would do regular testing now but the government wont provide the cash to do this soooooo once again its all about the money not safety on the road , besides the positions pensions and entitlements are much more important than the general public safety 




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Cadpete wrote:

So the pollies reckon we are healthy / fit enough to work till we are 80, but want us off the roads the day we are retired.  Tell em they're dreaming!

Another case of wanting the cake and eating it!

 Can't remember anyone saying we had to work until 80!!

I must be missing something.



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I got my car licence at 15 . IMO itâs better at younger age . Before alcohol etc . Driving experiance not banning !!

Whats out there


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confuse This was posted before ... guess ya missed it.

cheers - John

Cadpete wrote:

So the pollies reckon we are healthy / fit enough to work till we are 80, but want us off the roads the day we are retired.  Tell em they're dreaming!

Another case of wanting the cake and eating it!


Understand the feelings Cadpete ... but the govt are not making anyone work beyond any age ... the stated age for the pension is the age that one is ELIGIBLE for the pension.

One can stop work whenever they want to ... as long as they can fund themselves until their eligibility for welfare assistance - hence the push for superannuation - whether sufficient or not ... that is the intention.

cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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Woody n Sue wrote:

landy wrote:

How about lifting the driving age to 25.

 Landy I do hope you say this in jest ,,,,,    if so please disregard this post 

if the new driver has no experience at 18 WTF makes ya think they will some how magically have experience at 25 ffs this realy gets up my goat far better to start teaching them to,drive at 14 before they know everything and may still listen to an adult , get them driving with restrictions before the are 18 and alowed in a pub .

Having a relative high in the police force who reconds that if they had the money they would do regular testing now but the government wont provide the cash to do this soooooo once again its all about the money not safety on the road , besides the positions pensions and entitlements are much more important than the general public safety 



Yes Woody, the comment was tongue in cheek (or a come in spinner comment), although I see far more down right dangerous young drivers on the road than I do older drivers. When was the last time you saw an older driver 20 or 30 kph over the speed limit overtaking on double white lines. I see this sort of behavior often from younger drivers. It's not driving skills these young people lack its an attitude problem which most will grow out of if they live long enough.Its been my experience that older drivers tend to go the other way, they tend to drive slower as they loose their confidence, I like to pay them the courtesy of giving them a bit of extra space as I would a vintage car that hasn't got the attributes of later models. I also believe they should be treated the same as every other licensed driver on the road, If they are seen driving dangerously or breaking the law,then book them, if not leave them alone, To do any thing else is age discrimination. It's a very serious and life changing act to take away an older persons Independence. Sorry for the rant it is a subject I have had some negative experience with and feel very strongly about.

-- Edited by landy on Saturday 6th of January 2018 06:49:00 AM

In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people and simply let them be wrong.


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Maybe learners at 15 and drinking at 21? nod.gif

Aussie Paul. smile

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