Two old diggers had been out in the bush for ages, their ute had broken down and they were just about on their last legs trying to walk out of the bush and find help. Finally, in the distance, they saw the few buildings and sheds of a small bush town. As they entered town a signpost informed them the town's name was Mercy. "Never heard of it" said one digger to his mate, "I don't care what it's called, I just want a drink" replied his mate.
Of the very few buildings in the main street one had a sign on the front proclaiming "Mercy Tea Bar". The diggers stumbled inside. A well dressed and rather prim lady was standing behind the counter; "Good morning gentlemen and what can I do for you?" she asked in a superior tone. "Jeeezzzz Sheila give us a couple of beers will yer" replied one of the diggers. "I'm sorry" said the lady "but we only serve koala tea in this town". "Strewth!" chorused the diggers; "OK Sheila, we'll drink anything right now, give us two big mugs of koala tea then". The lady disappeared through a curtain into a back room from which the sounds of water and hissing steam could be heard. A few minutes later she returned with two, large, steaming mugs which she placed on the table in front of the diggers. The men look down at the mugs and amidst the brown liquid they can see a little, furry koala face looking up at them and a set of little paws clinging to the top of the mug. Now these guys are rough, tough and hardened men but even they are taken aback by this sight: "Jeeezzzz Sheila" says one, "Couldn't you even strain it first!?"
The lady looks disdainfully at the diggers and replies in a very prim voice: "Certainly not! The koala tea of Mercy is not strained".
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland