I note that there is a guy from the "GREENS" who is advocating for a 4 day working week.
He must be "out of his tree" as that will mean that he will have to work ( if he does that sort of thing) an extra 2 days a week, as I reckon that he probably now only works 2 days a week.
My last working days where a 9 day fortnight . We had half an hour for lunch break.. Depends what job you have ? Most office jobs can be done at home now with communication these days ..
Don't think I ever did less than a 12 hr shift in my life
He'll be a Pollie bludger or a dole bludger.
Either way. they should be put down.
Unfortunately if you in work cycle.
It entails more hrs that that to accumulate a few dollars to enjoy yourself.
It's stupid ideas like that which run a country down.
If everybody did a 50 hr week. everybody on flat rate,
and stop the dole.
Everybody unemployed and capable of working. was made to work on A job
Regardless of what it was. that they capable of.
With serious doctors so that only the SICK were sick.
Shovel. Broom. Surgeon and all jobs in between.
Food. Clothing, rent vouchers. and give 'em a pushbike.
the country would be a better. more affluent place.
and a lot of these freeloaders coming here.
Would go elsewhere.
18yr old Male or Female. Conscription....
That's the worst thing the government ever stopped.
And All imports go first. in front line. if we go to any action spots.
It'd be a better place.
Dreaming. Yes. But it would be nice wouldn't it hey.
Back to LOGAN.
I uploaded last night. along with second season of Lucifer.
He's bloody magic.
One of the best shows on teev if you have any sense of humour.
Lucifer Morningstar.
the devil. Retires from Hell, and comes to Earth to run a Nightclub.
I have a plaque on the fridge that says Iv'e done nothing all week and now I'm resting. I saw parts of that guys speech at the National Press Club earlier this week nothing out of the ordinary - he just seemed like your ordinary every day fruit loop. Macca it's no use worrying about how people who are still working choose to manage their working hours we are retired and should be enjoying our permanent holiday.
Too much machinery\technology.
Too much people. notenough work to go round. Cause the ones not working.
Basically. Don't want to work.
Everybody I know down to school leaving age. have or are in process of getting work.
9 G Daughters. 7 work 2 school.
4 in Canada. same.
2 in US. Same.
And that just my family.
Of the 23 kids in this street when we came here. ( 16 yrs. Grown up now.)
ALL working.
And that's just what I know.
It's what's bred into you.
Bludgers breed bludgers. workers the same.
I'd Love to be Employment minister with Authority for 4 yrs hey.
Cancel all dole payments over 6 months. and get into it.
Put a few of the bludgers down. That'll soon get the rest into gear.
I for one am fed up keeping the bums.
There IS work there. Just get them off their arses and doing it.
Not selective.(I don't WANT to do that job. Yea...)
There's a job. Do it or no dole.
Stopping dole, and\or the incentive of Conscription if NOT working.
Would get a few moving..
I lived there for near 5 yrs from '59 to late '63.
Wages were paid monthly.
Let's see some in this country manage that system.
(Legal Hookers were very cheap at end of month thought. Shhhh.)
Not working.
You had a book for each month with a name and address on front.
You went there every Mon to fri morn. 6 hrs Per Day.
that person gave YOU work. streets.windows gardens. oldies. whatever.
end of shift. Stamp in book and signature. and he checked on you working.
End of month you got "paid", according to days worked.
NO welfare to step back to to cover it.
Food, clothing, Transport vouchers. Baby gear etc.
and a small amount of money.
I do not wish to get into a political party-oriented debate here ...
Way back in the late 80s when my No#1 boy started year 11 at college, the college was advising the students that "in their working lifetime, and with the increasing use of technology, in all liklihood their working week would be a 4-day week as a regular occurrance" As such, they [the students] will need to find ways of keeping themselves busy. Suggestions were things like sports [many varied] - volunteering - becoming an entepreneur - taking up a hobby etc. etc.
So to hear our pollies now, some 30 years after hearing it earlier, then to me it is little more than 'hey our pollies have finally woken up to today's reality'
I have no interest as to whichever political party is starting the discussion, or what is being waffled back by 'the opposition' to those views. It has become today's reality for today's working society, and now, we all need to accept it, and work with it, not ridicule it.
Just about everywhere we go & with everything we do, it has been made easier and faster via technology, and it is a simple fact that things that used to take 6-days a week 100-years ago, became 5-days a week 50-years ago, and are destined to become 4-days a week in the near future
I'm a farmer so. Self employed
It I worked a 4 day week my crop would be late getting planted with large losses of yield for every day delayed
My weed spraying would be delayed leading too very large yield losses
My harvest such as it would be, would be delayed leaving it exposed to weather damage, even more losses
I would be broke in the first year
Oh I hear you say employ someone else to help hmmmm well then I would still be working instructing and supervising them where's my 4 day week gone
And it's uneconomic to employ anyone on my size farm now so with less yield it would be even less viable to farm.
So if all farms my size suffer losses like this soon there would be a food shortage and prices would skyrocket then no one could afford to eat on their 4 day week wage so they would go on strike for more wages so they can buy food but that would then make everything more expensive so the worker demands more pay and so the merry go round goes .
Think this through people you can't work less hours for more pay and expect prices for every day needs to remain at the same prices
You still have to eat everyday well I do maybe others do not
We Australians are over payed for our output already a 4 day week would only make this worse
We already have to many people in the city with nothing to do with their time and look at the damage they do to fill in their time now multiply that by 20 % and see were it goes .
Oh wait they get to work on the 5th day oh great look at the extra cost associated with that plan and how are they going to live on 1 days work
In my opinion this is a recipe for disaster if That would work would not employers be doing this already Christ they can't get suitably people to fill positions out there now
Ok I'll step down from my soap box now
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
You do realise that while at the moment the 'standard working week' is 40 hours - 5 days x 8 hours - you are already working seven days and more than eight hours each day. Yeah ... I know ... ya get some weekends off when ya get to do other stuff ... but generally speaking, ya already on a hiding to nothing.
And there are many other occupations (apart from small businesses/sole proprietors) that also work more than the 'standard working week'.
This country is only hanging in there because there are many people in some occupations working more than the standard week.
Having said that ... and if one can believe the 'stats' we get shoved every month ... part-time employment is becoming the norm - and those folk apparently are looking for more hours.
Apparently on average, there are 200 applicants for each job advertisement, so perhaps the suggestion of dropping to a four-day week is expecting that this will help the un-employment situation. Interesting.
So, if employers reduce wages, and employees accept that reduction, then there MIGHT be an improvement in the unemployment situation. I very much doubt that if employees do not take a reduction in wages to drop to 4-day weeks, then the employers will not be willing to increase the recurring cost to the business of extra staff - and the extra payroll.
All in all, apart from all that, the types of jobs/employment that would be a be able to reduce to 4-day weeks would be in the minority ... and that is notwithstanding the fallacy that workers can work from home in this 'technological age' - again a limited number in reality.
Anyway, it is just another good idea floated by city folk who are out of touch with the real world - probably has merit but perhaps not economical merit in the current environment.
Cheers - geez, I love being retired - John
[edit: bloody typos ]
-- Edited by rockylizard on Friday 17th of March 2017 10:50:36 AM
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
I saw the greens leader talking and he made a lot of sense IMHO. Not like some fruit loops who replied on here, not all but some.
He said we should have a discussion on these topics. Seeing as some work more than they want to and others get less work than they want, perhaps we should discuss how to even the hours out to best advantage. Looks like good logic to me
However some replies here show that common sense is trumped by common bias. Particularly in older people IMHO.
I'm not getting into the debate on working hours but I would like to see "road side litter patrols" - town and country areas (streets/parks/camping areas/beaches). Unemployed and under employed working 1 day a week tidying up this country for their benefits. Now a driver/supervisor would need to be employed to transport, supervise and report to start with. Road safety and personal safety would need to be enforced. I think something could be done with this idea if thought through properly first and implemented. Just a thought by me.
BUT. Just a thing that should have been implemented in most Western country's 50 yrs ago NOT the monthly wage maybe.
Most nowadays wouldn't have the common sense or control to last a month. It's actually easy. Pay ALL your months bills first. and what's left is living money.
But the work stations and hrs worked for dole and reductions to suit days not worked. Is a VERY good ideal. Even more so with dockets not cash.
YOU want cash. YOU go out and work for it. is the basic idea behind it. Vouchers Not exchangable for anything but themselves is to cover family's and make sure rent paid. they clothed and fed.
Maybe we wouldn't have some of the problems we have nowadays hey. The bulk of modern youth has been brought up the world owes THEM a living. Hence. No drive in a lot of them.
I've carried coal bags up stars, after filling them first, dug trenches with shovels. hand mixed drums of concrete. and tamped it at other end. Broke up concrete with 28lb sledge's. 12 hr shifts.
These modern humans would die at the thought of.
Our generations, and what we did. Gave them what THEY have nowadays. Pity some don't appreciate it a little more.
the last 4 or 5 decades or so of breeding has made a HUGE change to the world. With their give me and laziness, built in from birth. with a huuuge number of them. Thankfully NOT all.
Pity the world couldn't go back to the '50's again for a while. Teach them what working and living and responsibility's was all about.
Here you go. my whinge for the day.
I'm just sorry to see the way they have\are destroying what so many have built up for their children.
And NO Brian.
Give them the rifles and the ones behind them the bullets.
Then you can "persuade" them to keep advancing and catching all the oncoming bullets for you.
Something about "Cannon Fodder" I believe.
Rather them than ours hey. Make them useful for something other than Human bombs.
-- Edited by macka17 on Friday 17th of March 2017 01:29:03 PM
C'mon guys lighten up the thread started as a bit of a laugh - well that's how I saw it anyway. Get of your high horse Jaahn I wasn't seriously attacking your green mate I think all pollies are fruit loops - it's probably written somewhere in their job description
I'm loose enuff.
Just thinking what a much better place the world would be if we got rid of the bludgers. freeloaders.
Thieves and murderers is all.
Think about it for a minute.
I'm up to here, with the s--t around in the world today.
You work all your lives (most of us.) Pay taxes etc
Getting what you can to make your kids lives easier.
and the bums just freeload it all away.
It's ok.
I've been a vegetable for near 5 weeks now and another 6 or 7 to go
before i can do things.
Sit. Stand. lie on bed.and crap. That's about it.
no lifting over 2.5kg's. no turning head. no bending.
Can't even fasten sandals or pick up things I drop.
It's just frustration setting in.
Plus this setting ain't workin and I hurt like hell for 48hrs
till I can change it.
Can't even drive. grrrrrr. A bloody vegetable.
It'd better be worth it hey.
SNIP~~~ Just thinking what a much better place the world would be if we got rid of the bludgers. freeloaders. Thieves and murderers is all.
Think about it for a minute.
I'm up to here, with the s--t around in the world today.~~~SNIP
Whilst not feeling as strongly about that view of the world as you do Macka I think that if you sit and think about it, the things that seem to be right up to the very back of ya nose are not "today's" issues ... but have been the human condition for centuries.
And, unfortunately, amongst those who draw your ire so fiercely are some people that really do need the 'safety net' of the welfare that our society provides to keep those less fortunate afloat ... indeed, in many instances - alive.
Just because there are a percentage of corrupt/conniving/bludging/freeloading humans in this world, doesn't mean we cut off assistance to those who are needy. Somehow, there needs to be a way to 'determine' the needy more accurately.
Governments/authorities have been struggling with just that problem, again for centuries.
Cheers - and try to relax more - ya not well cobber - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
macka17, I have noticed with a lot of your posts, you are just an argumentative grumpy anti everything sort of person. I question several things, are you anti the eight hour day the unions won us? I suppose you are anti medicare? I also assume you are pro the de regulation of the milk industry? I also assume you were for the governments de-stabilisation of the manufacturing industry that lead to massive off shore movement during the late 50's and early 60's.
Sorry macka17, can you please rationalise your arguments.
I am not moving soon as I may, feeling certain, nearly sure, Ross River and feeling crap!
So macka17, I would love to meet you and argue the meaning of life, I am sure we would agree with an argument and never meet agreement!
One grumpy old man to another!
The vouchers and such would maintain the family's.
we've just got to train the rest to be responsible.
There are a LOT not a few, dole bludgers.
we need to sort it.
We paying them. at whatever level.
WHY shouldn't they DO something toward it
We don't get paid if we don't do anything at work.
Conscription is a good thing.
Military teaches you discipline. responsibility. Mateship.
How to be a human.
I went in UK army as a piece of **** that should have been put down.
A sample of the worst of the North East "war babies".
Came out. both half civilised and with a useful trade, and carried on from there.
Grumpy. No. Quite the opposite. As any that know me would tell you.
I was born with a smile on me face.
Just frustrated at where things are going and nothing much being done.
Specially with immigration and control of where it's gone.
Humans have a lot to answer for. and one day. Will.
When the planet takes it's current jacket off and starts again.
It'll happen.
Has done a coupla times already. We just speeding it up a bit.
I'd love to meet you one day Lance, for a chat.
We have a lovely view over the islands here next time you drive past.
OH. And just for you.
I hate modern Unions too. They the cause of a lot of our work problems.
I always worked construction OUTSIDE of Union Influences
and we ALWAYS had better wage scales.
Paid what YOU worth. NOT some agreement that saw their members in over others and taking all the money.
BLF, Transport workers. And Dockers were fine examples of why Unions are bad news.
Maybe factory workers different. Iwas never involved with them.
Good Union man is a dead union man right. Similar for MOST pollies too.
Maka you and I and lot on this forum went through the so called good years turn up to a job site and you had a job , Mate it's not that easy these days if you haven't got a top education you are lost in the mob .
I could go out in morn and have a choice of half a doz by lunch.
In those days.
Most times the owners were ringing me to go on their machinery
I got to be good early. And demonstrated Liebherr for a while.
NOT all jobs need top education. I left school at 13.
My eldest left at 14 yrs to work in a Mushroom farm with Italian ladies,
Picking and boxing mushrooms.
You got $4 for every box put over the counter.
No boxes. NO Pay.
Best start a "working class" kid could have.
Taught him efficiency. Work ethics and.
most importantly. Reliability.
He fronted there EVERY day for 2 1\2 yrs.
He's now a business owner with upper side of 2 mill in his bank book. at 49.
and expanding.
Willingness. and determination.
at our level. is more important than any education, really.
over a good grasp of the three R's.
I knew what I was. as so does he. and proud of it.
Youngest boy, Electronics supervisor, Overseas. For Telstra.
Daughter. (52) Just a kitchen hand\salad maker. 14 days on 7 days off.
on the mines
$77k a yr. for cleaning tables. Washing dishes and making 30 salads twice a day.
I'd say that was a good job too.
Work ethics.
Teach 'em young. They'll ALWAYS thrive. All homeowners, no mortgages.
I'm proud of them.
Most of Granddaughters in mines too on $110\130k plus a yr.
As I told them all when young.
Find out what the world wants. Be good at it. and you'll always have a job.
2 eldest G Daughters also Chef's with trade papers. (27\26 yrs)
did the 5 yrs there first for later in life. People will always eat.
The vouchers and such would maintain the family's. we've just got to train the rest to be responsible.
There are a LOT not a few, dole bludgers. we need to sort it. ~~~SNIP
Yep, I get ya drift Macka
Perhaps you have heard of the 'trial welfare cards' they have been doing at Ceduna and Kunnunara ??
If you haven't, then get on the internet and do some searching ... the report recently released is available for all and sundry.
Working a treat - mostly. Although, those, who are more cunning than a sewage rodent, have found out they can 'scam' the system.
They use it to buy groceries and then sell the groceries to others to get the cash to buy grog, smokes, drugs etc.
Unfortunately, some of the females are using prostitution to get cash so they can support their 'habits'.
Apparently, 90% effective AND the guvamunt is seriously thinking of rolling it out to ALL welfare recipients ... unemployed, disability, age pension etc - ALL creeds and colours.
Like Brickies sez ... it ain't easy these days for kids to get jobs ... youth unemployment for the 18>25 year olds is running around 15% to 27% in some towns. There are about 200 unemployed youth for each job vacancy advertised. Their support is coming from parents/family mostly ... some are on welfare obviously.
Cheers - and like I sed, ya gotta relax cobber ... ya not well ya know - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Stitching it up will slow the loose knickers down a bit.
And the Conscription I was suggesting. Covers ALL of the young ones over 18.
That way. any serious ones have looked. got apprenticeships. Uni Courses for later in life. or found work that suits.
The rest. ARE the ones. mainly.That need putting somewhere. Army and it's discipline. Slack as it is nowadays. Will still give us some returns for our tax outlay. and Just Maybe. Kick a few into gear. As it did me.
Druggies. Well they should just be put on a nice little, well offshore island somewhere with a desal for water. some ground to grow food. Shovel to dig dunny's and a few tarps for cover.
The damage they do to nurses, and own family's. They'd get NO Sympathy from me. I hate druggies. Just check on them every 6 months or so. from 1\2 a mile away. and let next load swim to beach hey.
The ones that want work. will find it even if it entails moving. I did that b4 13.All of my family and as far as I can recall All friends too.
Kids are working. or UNI.
Only one person (Inlaw family) I know. has kids.3.
and they all same as him. (40 yrs on dole,)Just as a good example hey.
There's work around.
Most are too fussy. want the managers job on first day. Not the broomhand.
You have to learn to look at dollars. not the work.
-- Edited by macka17 on Sunday 19th of March 2017 04:26:24 PM