Now Guru, I'm being technical here now. A Pea**** is a male bird!! A Peahen is what grandpa should have been looking for.
When I was a kid and was collecting birds eggs for a collection, (as you do in the country) My grandma asked me what colour was a Pea****'s egg?
I had no idea, I came up with every combination I could think of which was to her delight to tell me that a Pea-HEN lays the eggs.
(Incidently, I think they are plain white.)
Now, after the second time of editing this, the editor will not let me put in the last four words of the Pea bird's full name, but you know what I mean huh.
-- Edited by Baggie on Monday 16th of January 2017 08:15:13 PM
-- Edited by Baggie on Monday 16th of January 2017 08:18:00 PM