This operation by the Vic police has been highly publised over the last two months and mainly done as a public awarness exercise. Most of the people who were weighed (30+) volunteered so they could get their weight and advice. I believe the only tickets issued where for no towing mirrors and road worthy issues.
A full report is expected soon and should make interesting reading. You can read the thread here if you wish
Our Rig
VAN December 2019 Goldstar 21ft
TUG 2017 Ford Ranger Wildtrak
Life Was Ment To Be Easy If You Have The Ability To Adapt
2 man weights and measurescrew for scales.
2 man cops for law abiding.
1 cop check you for breatho, rego, licence etc.(I think Insurance should be in that too.
Other cop walk slowly round rig with multi and measure in hand.
He has the laws in his brain.
Just checks them off as he walks round
and double check any that seem iffy.
Breakaway battery. height of hitch, overhang dist.
chain. length and suitability.Tyres, lights, mirrors.
The standard things.
Scalied do their thing.
Should be over IN 15. If no prob's.
Less with smaller rigs.
with normal working people.
Just pull over to one side for obviously "wrong looking" rigs.
Do Weight etc. Properly.
This is wayyyy overdue. In all States.
Should be a Federal initiative.
Macka - that's 5 "people in authority" inspecting driver,vehicle and van.....odds on that one of the 5 inspectors will be a "by the book" person and book you for "something" - you can always find "something" so bottom line is that if you get pulled up you probably will get booked.
Got pulled over did ya Macka.?... 1 person was over by 400kgs a few between 200 and 300kg but the majority were pretty good. Was just an education drive for the public no tickets for overweight were issued.
When will the general public "get it".
Obeying the laws if the road is your responsibility. If you obey them you have little to fear.
Speedsters justifying 5 kph over, banners 100 kg over...obey or stay at home..
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
Have yet to see anybody post that "THEY", had been pulled over and weighed, plenty who spoke to somebody who knew somebody who had spoken to someone.
Maybe I am being too sceptical.
One would think if you buy a caravan from a maker they get it registed it has comply if we don't do any add on it must be still ok , I have not did any add on so I don't worry .
Macca in NSW (and probably the other States) they don't need to pull you over to check your rego or insurance they have the MANPR system (manual automatic number plate recognition) fitted to their patrol cars as well as DMT contractors operating the mobile units you sometimes see parked on the side of the road. They can check number plates, and a crosscheck of the details with a database at the rate of 6 cars per second. They can already check your speed, your rego and your compulsory 3rd party insurance, whether you went through a red light, watch the traffic flow with CCTV cameras, even measure your cars temperature if they wanted to all without you knowing. Maybe in the not too distant future they will set up sensor pads on the road to get the weight of your rig as you drive over it which they then use to cross check with your rego and the manufacturer's specs for that type of vehicle/van - far fetched.... 25 years ago so where all those other things.
4 persons. That's what they used up in Terrirory a while ago on trial.(6 or 8) weighing crew to handle things = 2.
Police cause that's how they have? to travel nowadays =2 One to check you. and then help other when you finished paperwork.
NSW ok When in NSW but how about when other states veh in other states.
You always carry your paperwork with you don't you. From licence down to home address. I do.
Hako and Bass.
No not me. I just pulled over to ask a few Questions. (Nosey mainly)
My rig is\was always a min of 400kg difference up to 750. depending on Water content carried, mainly. Max allowed 3200kg on towbar. Van usually around 2750ish mostly less than half full inside. (6.5mtr)
Like prev poster says.
You legal, With everything. Which is quite easy
as long as you don't allow missus to control what she wants to take hey.
you sweet.
No have to worry about being stopped.
-- Edited by macka17 on Thursday 5th of January 2017 08:53:18 PM
Yes thanks Jules for clarifying that but as you know when you post on a forum people are going to make comments on the subject matter and as far as I can see this one hasn't really strayed that far off the topic i.e roadside weighing.
So (Blissonwheels) you still believe it didn't happen even after all the media coverage and a statement from the organising Officer that 75 caravans and many more campers were weighed
-- Edited by Silver Anchor on Sunday 8th of January 2017 10:17:33 PM
-- Edited by Silver Anchor on Sunday 8th of January 2017 10:19:53 PM
To Blissonwheels in early 2015 I had to pull into the Bairnsdale barby (weighbridge ) I'm a truckdriver , I pulled in behind a caravan and asked the vic roads bloke what was the go , he said they where wheeling vans in as an education program only. they also open the Yarragon barby on weekends from time to time soley for caravans to check their weights etc. ( I think they do that as a community service, not sure.
jules47 wrote:Hi -I couldn't get the second one to work PeterD
They both worked for me just now. The problem could be because I took the easy way out and did not insert the links properly, I just copied them into the text. Try copying and pasting, that also worked for me.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.