An elderly couple was watching a Discovery Channel 'Special' about a West African Bushveldt Tribe whose men all invariably had penises 24 " explained that
when the black male reaches a certain age, a strong string is tied around his penis...and on the other end is a weight........
After a while, technically speaking, the weight stretches the penis to 24"........
Later that evening as the husband was getting out of the shower, his wife looked down at him and said:
"How bout we try that African 'String and Weight' procedure dearest?"....
The husband reluctantly agreed.....and they tied a string with a quite heavy weight to his penis......
A few days later, the wife asked the husband: "Sooooo how is our little Tribal Experiment coming along dearest?"..
"Well it looks like we're about half way there", he replied with a grimace......
"Woweeee, you mean our little fellow's already grown to 12 inches?"
"No,'s bloody turned black"!.......!
Hoo Roo
'The secret of happiness is not in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less'.Socrates BC399.
'Be a Cheerful Nomad, not a Grumpy Gromad, it's the Surly Bird who catches the Germ'!