I just couldn't help noticing the number of posts, in fact whole topics, that have been punted off the face of the forum in recent days. People's attempts at self medication, jokes about football teams, contrary views on pensioner's pastimes have all been swiftly launched in to the great unknown of literary oblivion.
In order to preserve our great sense of unobtrusive decorum, might I suggest that topics that have a propensity to attract different views be banned entirely and that we just discuss matters such as what cake was brought by whom to which particular happy hour and perhaps, whether the drop toilets at the Ooniegallarbee Creek free camp are back in operation after the recent road grading.
After all, when you purchase a caravan or motor home you are not permitted to discuss any other topics. Who do you think you are, adults?
DMaxer - you read my mind - I was just looking for a thread that I saw, and read, last night - could not find a trace of it!!!!!!!!! Went to the point of checking posts by people I knew had said something, including myself, not a trace - the thot plickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love your post - unless things went haywire on the forum after I went to bed - I didn't see anything offensive, rude, bullying or downright nasty in any of the posts I read, in all of the sub - forums.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
.Awww.....if its a really dull thread to start with...why not let it stay that way......?
For your next Happy Hour adjacent to your Ooniegallarbee Long Drop, DMaxer, why not have a' singa- long-drop' of a medley of your hit.....I'm certain you know the words..as you repeat them often with a couple of your mates...
'This is the Song that never ends, yes it goes on & on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because......'
'This is the Song that never ends........your chorus DMaxer.......
Hoo Roo.....see you in the Bermuda Triangle of Threads without a point.....
-- Edited by goldfinger on Saturday 4th of June 2016 11:07:06 PM
-- Edited by goldfinger on Saturday 4th of June 2016 11:08:59 PM
'The secret of happiness is not in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less'.Socrates BC399.
'Be a Cheerful Nomad, not a Grumpy Gromad, it's the Surly Bird who catches the Germ'!
Living in a country of personal freedom of choice one can only suggest that if one doesn't find something to their personal preference or that something causes them to feel aggrieved in any way then the solution is within their grasp.
One can simply fold their tent and move on.
Just like when one is camped on ones travels ... annoying neighbour? ... one can either show tolerance and acceptance or fold the tent and move on.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Hi everybody, Thanks for your comments on this. I just wanted to clarify a couple of things. I removed a post relating to drug use. I left it up for some time. In retrospect, too long! I received more than a few complaints about the original post, many telling personal stories about the way in which drugs had destroyed, and in some cases ended, the lives of people they loved. I make no judgements about people who use drugs but I can state categorically, given the personal upset caused to some readers, that this forum is no place to indirectly promote drug use. I had assumed it wouldn't be necessary, but I will now add that fact to the forum rules. I am sorry if that is seen by some of you as an assault on free speech but - while certain sections of this forum happily and proudly meanders into areas not directly related to the grey nomad lifestyle, the de facto promotion of drug use is not one which be allowed. It is not always easy to get the balance right between allowing threads to meander on to explore things from different perspectives and allowing for the sensitivities of the wider readership. But, in terms of this particular subject, I have decided that it is not appropriate for a forum fundamentally about the grey nomad lifestyle. I have also recently deleted a thread which had deteriorated into a series of personal attacks. As I have said before, I started this forum as a place where grey nomads and wannabe grey nomads could come together to share advice, encouraging words, and experiences. I want first timers to come here and find information and perhaps inspiration. This is now quite a large forum and there is naturally a range of opinions, so it is more important than ever that the basic rules of respect and courtesy are observed. As most of you know, I generally err on the side of letting things run their course, but I can say that personal attacks and, now, drug use promotion will not be tolerated on this forum. I understand that some of you may disagree with me. However, I would ask that you respect my decision to make that call. As always if anyone has any concerns about the forum in general, or a post or poster in particular, please send me a PM and I will be happy to try to address the issue. Thanks everybody.
Verbal Abuse Via the use of an electronic device IS A CRIME. That folks on here, Should know well. From the backgrounds they are suppose to work in. If they think they can hide behind a forum.
Think again. Technology is far ahead of you.
Cindy we applaud your stand 100%. Low life males, who want to belittle women or anyone else for that matter on here. Have no place on this or any other forum. Full Stop.
Warm Regards
Jim & Lambie
-- Edited by Hey Jim on Sunday 5th of June 2016 03:38:47 PM
Hey Cindy. I wasnt having a dig at you. Sorry if it came across thatway. Was just having fun with the topic. Plus my good wife really makes the best banana cake. This is a great forum and really enjoy the comments that are made on here.
Cindy - I have no problem with your decisions, re posts. It is your forum, and your rules. If we want to be part of the forum, we follow the rules. Simple. That's not to say we can't disagree with a post, but we should take care of HOW we feel, and what we say to that poster, that we have a problem with.
There are some on the forum whose posts I don't read, for my own personal reasons.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)