Just over the border from Narracorte is the tiny town of Apsley. The Border Inn has opened a free camp . just speak to a staff member to get access. I know nothing about what facilities are available . I have asked for them to send me the details. I just got it in my face book messages from them. and said I would pass it on.The pub is community owned and they are trying to attract more business to their little town. I think at this stage the pub is the only business operating in the town. there is a cafe just out the road towards Edenhope.
I grew up at Mundarra Estate which is between Edenhope and Apsley. I went to school with some of the people involved with the pub and one is my cousin. We played sport against them.biggest rivalry ever was between the footy teams. These days they struggle to make one team from the two towns!!. Good to see a little town thinking outside the square and trying to attract people to the town.
Heard from Border Inn. Free campsite, at the moment it is self contained but they are happy to have grey water run onto the ground. They are putting in a grey water system for disposable of water but at present on the ground is fine. They are putting in a campfire drum and some tables and chairs as well. Showers are available during pub hours at $5 each. It is a work in progress and they are open to suggestions from campers so if you stay there and have a low cost idea to make life easier for all please discuss it with them.
Heard from Border Inn. Free campsite, at the moment it is self contained but they are happy to have grey water run onto the ground. They are putting in a grey water system for disposable of water but at present on the ground is fine. They are putting in a campfire drum and some tables and chairs as well. Showers are available during pub hours at $5 each. It is a work in progress and they are open to suggestions from campers so if you stay there and have a low cost idea to make life easier for all please discuss it with them.
Good to see more and more areas are taking these ideas on board.