The local priest in an effort to promote friendly relations with other denominatons, invited the Rabbi to have a look around the church. During their travels they came upon the confessional and the Rabbi asked what this was for, before the priest could answer the door on the other side closed. The priest said stand here quietly Rabbi and all will be revealed and went into the box. The following conversation then took place between the priest and an obviously very young lady.
"Father, I have come to confess"
"Yes my child what is your confession?"
I had intercourse with my boyfriend last night"
"Dear oh dear, how many times did this happen my child?"
"Three times Father"
Goodness gracious, say five hail mary's and put ten dollars in the poor box".
The Rabbi could hardly believe his ears and when the priest came back out he said that he thought this was a brilliant way to make money. My dear Rabbi says the priest,
"You have missed the point. Its not about the money its about cleansing the soul and receiving forgiveness". Just then a phone rings in an anteroom.
"Excuse me Rabbi I wont be long".
No sooner has he gone than the door to the confessional opens and closes. The Rabbi confident of handling the situation goes into the other side, and the following conversation takes place.
"Yes my child?'
"Father I have come to confess".
"What is the problem?"
(you guessed it!)
"I had intercourse with my boyfriend last night"
"Dear oh dear, how many times?"
"Oh only once"
"Go away and have another couple we have a special on this week for ten bucks"
Don't you just love it!!!!!
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.