I recently purchased a new Colorado with all the bells and whistles, however I couldn't get its fancy radio system to work....
I took it back to the dealership and their Service Technician explained that the radio is 'voice activated'....
"Nelson", the technician said to the radio and it replied 'Willie or Ricky'?..
He said Willie, and immediately 'On The Road Again' came through its fantastic quad speaker system...
I was impressed...and he said, "Now you try it"..so I said 'Ray Charles!'
Instantly, 'Georgia On My Mind' replaced Willie Nelson...
I drove away happy and for the next few days, every time I said 'Beethoven' I would get the most delightful classical music,
and if I said 'Beatles' I'd get one of their awesome songs, like 'Strawberry Fields Forever'....
Yesterday two no-neck Hoons driving a lowered 'accident waiting to happen' ran a red light and nearly creamed the new Colorado,
but I swerved in time to avoid them...
I yelled "Fxxking Idiots"!!.........
Immediately the radio responded with a bloooody, 'Live National Debate by Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten'............
Hoo Roo...<Cindy perhaps you should lock this thread immediately...lol..>
My Avatar photo: How my youngest granddaughter Brydie 8 sees her Pa through the lens of her 'Barbie' Camera......
'Without Going You Get No Where'....written across the rear of my Jayco Caravan.