A mother and her 5 year old son were flying Qantas from Sydney to Auckland.
The son <who had been looking out the window> turned to his mother and asked,
"Mummy...mummy...if big dogs have baby dogs, and big cats have baby cats...then why don't big planes have baby planes??"
The mother who couldn't think of a suitable response, told her son to go and ask the Flight Attendant..
So the little bloke walks up to the galley and repeats his question to the busy Flight Attendant.
The Flight Attendant responded," So did your mother tell you to ask me that?"
The boy replied "Yes, she did"....
"Well then please tell your mother that there are never any baby planes because Qantas always pulls out on time...every time".....
.....and ask her to explain that to you".....
Hoo Roo
My Avatar photo: How my youngest granddaughter Brydie 8 sees her Pa through the lens of her 'Barbie' Camera......
'Without Going You Get No Where'....written across the rear of my Jayco Caravan.