A German lorry driver in a pub in Newcastle is loud mouthing how lazy British Truck drivers are.
He's bragging that he drives his load from Hamburg, goes through Holland, then Belgium and up to Newcastle and back to Hamburg in just 2 days.
This old timer Geordie listens and them mutters up " Ah way ay I used to pick up me load in Newcastle, drop off in Hamburg, and then be back in Newcastle
for a fish and chippy supper the very same day."
The loud mouth German trucker said," Oh yar so vot rig were you supposedly driving then?"
After taking a long swig of his Pint of Newcastle Broon, the old timer replied....
Hoo Roo.
My Avatar photo: How my youngest granddaughter Brydie 8 sees her Pa through the lens of her 'Barbie' Camera......
'Without Going You Get No Where'....written across the rear of my Jayco Caravan.