Hi all, there has been a cost for my really Ubeaut coffee. Stains on the fold down table!!! Eril has tried Bi Carb of Soda without success. Suggestions please??
May be a bit late with this one but had a similar problem with coffee stains in corelle cups. Disappeared after soaking a denture tablet in boiling water in the cup for a while and then washed with hot water and normal dishwashing detergent. Looking at your table, it appears to have a lip around the edge so perhaps placing a few denture tables on the surface and carefully dribbling boiling water over them and leaving it there for a while might work. Got nothing to lose really.
Try a paste of bi-carb. It cleans the tea and coffee stains in cups, so why not your table. Make the paste to the consistency of loose toothpaste, rub it on thickly with your fingers then leave to dry. Then wash off with soapy water. Might work, if it works on cups.
PS: We did get rid of our Pilbara Red eventually, we used Elbow Grease
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