Went to get some pictures in my pictures library yesterday and got a msg. Pictures.library-ms is no longer working. Same went for docs. vids. music etc.
Panic, thought lost the lot but no, still accessible through my Photo program.......?
Went on google (thank God for google) and got this fix,
Please explain to me one thing what is good in Windows 8
If windows 10 is going to be like 8 we will be all better of with Android
they really stuffed it up on 8
I know I am a slow learner BUT I found 8 very difficult, and our 32 y/o IT literate son didn't like it. We both paid to have 8 removed and 7 loaded!!! I don't like change BUT love new ideas and "stuff"..LOL.
I'm running two machines using the Windows 8.1 operating system without any drama.
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about, once you learn to navigate your way around its all pretty much the same as any other version of Windows, everything is there, just that like any new OS it takes a little getting used to.
As a matter of interest if your using Windows 8 its in your own interest to upgrade to 8.1, can be done at no cost.