I bought a 160W Folding solar panel with regulator for my van. On the last trip - last day - it fell flat from a gust of wind while I was elsewhere. When put up again I noticed a RED light on the regulator, Subsequent checks since I have been home show that the regulator has shorted... The distributor I bought this panel from on eBay says tough luck the regulator is a consumable and therefor not covered by any warranty... Trouble is the regulator is GLUED to the back of the panel and I would think very hard to remove and replace. In my opinion being glued to the panel makes it NOT consumable and should be covered by warranty... Any one else have this problem with these doggy RICH panels?? Suggest in future anyone buying a solar panel or system ensures that the regulator if glued on is included in the warranty otherwise give them a big miss!!!
As a point to look for on your panels if the regulator is glued on - 3 wires about 50mm long protruding from the bottom of the regulator - Just waiting to short the system should it fall over!!!???
Spread the word these solar panels are NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE
My regulator is also glued to the panels (Rich) but there are 4 screws that allow you to remove the actual regulator just leaving the backing attached.
Maybe a picture would help - even if it is totally glued you probably could still remove it by useing a razor blade to cut thru the glue.
Seeing as the panel fell over I don't really think you could claim it as it's not a manufacturing fault. There are plenty of regulators for under $20 on Ebay - I've got 2 of them and they work good.
Good Luck.
I had troubles with my regulator, so just glued a new regulator onto the back of the panel and moved the wires over to the new one. ie leave the old one in place - they don't weigh all that much!
A diesel Nissan Pathfinder towing a Coromal Element 542.
I have to Pull the What remaining hair I have out...
WHY OH WHY, do People still think that The regulator on the Portable solar Panel is the way to Go....
The Best beat is to have the Solar Regulator as close to the Batteries as you can..
It does 2 thing's..
- If you have solar on the Van, you only need the 1 solar regulator.. You just need to have a Fly lead.. ie A cable of Sufficent size with an Anderson Plug on it.. Just Plug in the Remote Solar Panel..
- You don't have the Risk of 2 great a Voltage Drop..
-- another issue that seems to pop-up is the Size of the Cable from the Solar Panel to the Batteries..
IF I say something Dumb.. Just Smack me..
I'm full of Knowledge.. I don't profess to know EVERYTHING, but I'm constantly Learning new thing's..
Thanks Guys
Denis - There are no screws on mine. Trying to cut the regulator off runs the risk of damage to the panel...
Glen - Yes that would be an option
Juergen - Yes, I agree and that is exactly what I have done leaving the old regulator in place.
Thanks again and I hope this info has been helpful to others
The solar panels I just bought have the regulator screwed to the leg that holds the panel up,I was told the regs glued to the back of the panels get to hot,now a question do I need to fit a fuse in the solar panel lead going to the battery,sorry about hijacking the post.
The solar panels I just bought have the regulator screwed to the leg that holds the panel up,I was told the regs glued to the back of the panels get to hot,now a question do I need to fit a fuse in the solar panel lead going to the battery,sorry about hijacking the post.
Lance C
If what I was advised when I joined the forum, the Solar regulator should be at or very close to the battery, not the solar panel end of the leads.
It's a hell of a lot simpler for the average Joe Blow camper to buy a solar panel with the regulator connected to the panel so all they have to do is connect the battery - it's the KISS principle. Also better for the seller as they know the regulator suits the panel. That's what I reckon anyway.
It's a hell of a lot simpler for the average Joe Blow camper to buy a solar panel with the regulator connected to the panel so all they have to do is connect the battery - it's the KISS principle. Also better for the seller as they know the regulator suits the panel. That's what I reckon anyway.