Google Telcoantennas. We have a 6.5dB telescopic with patch leads both for phone & wireless modem that extends to 5.2 metres. Chose magnetic mounts so only have to get it out when required.
Darrell & Sandra
Love the bush & our native environment. Conservationist, not a bloody Greenie.
As the antenna is on the edge of the iPhone, i do not think there is any way to connect to a external antenna. Check with an apple store or just do a mr Google
As the antenna is on the edge of the iPhone, i do not think there is any way to connect to a external antenna. Check with an apple store or just do a mr Google
.Cheers reg
I looked on the Jaycar site and there are now antenna that do not need to be connected. The lead pad is fitted to the phone and the signal is transferred by induction. Bit like the new chargers that charge without a physical wire connection. Amazing stuff that was unheard of during my Amateur Radio days.
I have not tried an external antenna with an iPhone yet, but I believe it is possible using an induction pad, there is a business in SA that has a very good web site with a lost of options for situations like this. Have a look at the link below.