As part of my job a while ago I had to attened court to give evidence for the prosecution, normally in support of the Police or Insurance Companies.
On this particular day a rather beligerant Male entered court dressed as Captian Kirk of the USS enterprise. As we all stood as the judge walked to the bench, he paused and did a "double take" of the defendents attaire, calmly seated himself and then addressed the defendent........ "Mr ????? you apprear in court today in very grave circumstances and yet you seem to think that dressing as Captian Kirk from Star Trek will impress me!!
As quick as a flash the defendent replied, "Your Hounour, in my spare time I am a Trekkie, and for no other reason I chose to wear these clothes"
Anyway, after a long drawn out session, the dury delivered thier guilty verdict and the defendent was sentenced to three years imprisonment. The judge after delivering the punishment said, as per usual, "Do you have anything to say"
With this, the defendent whipped out his mobile phone, flipped open the lid and said "Beam me up Scotty, I've got a bit of trouble"
Whilst the court rolled around in hysterics the judge added 6 months for contempt!!
Mark & Linda
A man who asks a question is a fool for five minutes, but ask no questions and your a fool for life!!