Subject: FW: Judge Jeanine to the mother of the Tsarnaev brothers
Wow ! Why she doesn't she tell us how she REALLY feels !
This woman speaks the truth and most of the Western World would agree with her.
BUT who among us in Australia at the elected level would be brave enough to deliver a similartirade? NONE!!!
she sure sticks it up them
Must see this. Our turn is coming and I wonder who will stand up and tell it like it is. We have young Aussie blokes dying in Afghanistan and Iraq to get rid of these animals and yet they are allowed here in their thousands. I despair...dont you?
Certainly no politician will say it. Might cost them their job.
It's all a matter of perception, isn't it. I don't see a woman talking to the family of the Boston Bombers. I see a woman geeing up the bigots and spreading hatred.