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Post Info TOPIC: From Compliance Plate to Roadworthy Certificate to Registration

The Happy Helper

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RE: From Compliance Plate to Roadworthy Certificate to Registration

Great John - did you enjoy driving it? Bit different to the Hi Ace? And yes, Chris does work hard, but then again, he is a bit younger than you!!!! We are in Sydney - Narrabeen CP.


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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jules47 wrote:

Great John - did you enjoy driving it? Bit different to the Hi Ace? And yes, Chris does work hard, but then again, he is a bit younger than you!!!! We are in Sydney - Narrabeen CP.

 Hi Julie,

I did enjoy driving the Coaster, seemed easy once I got going but initially looked big especially pointing down the steep driveway I felt very high on the road.

You are in a caravan park???? there must be a total lacking of free camps around where you are.



The Happy Helper

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No free camping round this area - so just indulging ourselves a bit - heading north again today, not sure where to, but might go off the highway to find a spot for tonight - going to see Sue and Stan ( from that infamous night at Gum???????) and Coffs Harbour of course.
Good luck with the roady today. Let us know results.


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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There is free camping at Richmond Wanderest without power if you join the club @ $4 membership fee for 72 hours. West of Sydney but near the train line.

Narrabeen and Lane Cove CP if you don't have dogs. Both are quite nice I believe.



The Happy Helper

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We wanted to be in the Narrabeen area, and decided just to go to the Big 4 Janette - only one night. Thanks anyway.


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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It's lovely over there, I don't like driving around there though.

Sorry John back to your complience and roadworthy certs. I'm so looking forward to your being able to travel again in the new vehicle. I'm going through separation anxiety from hearing of your travels and pictures.




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Thursday and now I have a roadworthy certificate "whoopee whoopee" at last I can go to Vic Roads and actually get the coaster registered. I have an appointment to take it in next Wednesday and so far as I know I have all the certifications and information necessary to get the registration. This has been a long and difficult process but now it would appear to be reaching a successful conclusion.   John



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Congrats John, Hopefully will catch up again on the road someday!




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That is great news John.................have had all my fingers and toes crossed for you, you have earned it so enjoy.


What the heck, why not !

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Have been following your journey with the coaster with interest. How BLOODY good is that. Hope to meet up with somewhere out in our great backyard!
Really pleased that all is going well.

The Ginger Nomad

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That is fantastic news John.......congrats

cheers Bronnie



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Well done John, Now just the next little piece of paper and you can resume your nomadic life style , that you appear to thrive on. I really salute you on your determind and can do attitude to every thing that is throwen in your path.Now for the next stage of your new beginning. confuse


Time To Sleep Later In Life.

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Hi Patty,

We have moved on and stopped o/nite near pine plantation east of Nelson beside h/way, then to Port MacDonnell for two nights at the mouth of 8 Mile Creek, then to Mt Gambier Showgrounds at this moment for a few days. Great to be travelling the flatter roads for a change to Tassie and the Great Ocean Road hills and curves. The weather has been pretty good lately just a few light showers and not too cold.

We hope you are well and still on the move..

Cheers Kevin/Kim.


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I too have been watching and reading with bated breath John. So pleased it is all coming together. I am heading off for 6 months on Sunday so I hope to catch up with you again somewhere along the way. Enjoy your new chalet.



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I hope you can hit the road as soon as you have the plates.
You will now have a palace to impress those young girls you naughty boy.
Age is only in the mind so I hope all goes well and you can continue on your epic journey enjoying this great country.


11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again


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beiffe wrote:

I hope you can hit the road as soon as you have the plates.
You will now have a palace to impress those young girls you naughty boy.
Age is only in the mind so I hope all goes well and you can continue on your epic journey enjoying this great country.

 Thanks for all the positive comments, I have to wait for the next pension to register the coaster so that is next week and a fortnight later I can pay back Larry who bought the shockies for me. After the 7th May I will be able to set off.

I am planning a couple of days to a local free camp once the rego is complete, not sure where yet but want a trial run and set up to make sure of everything.




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good idea about the free camp John.............just in case,don't want to get stuck somewhere with no friends to help out.


What the heck, why not !


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Congratulations! Whew, at last, have been on tenterhooks. Goodonya John.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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John - something else to think about for the Coaster............I presume you have some sort of curtain that shuts off the body of the bus from the view through the front window? As we do in ours. But all that glass is not great insulation - against either cold or heat. I measured our front and driver side windows and from an auto discount store bought 3 of those silver screen things that stick on the glass. They weren't perfect fit, but made a distinct improvement. Eventually I was able to get the properly made, padded ones that are specifically made for Coaster - but they cost a few hundred dollars.



The Happy Helper

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There is a place called "Topgear2go" who make the silver window covers to fit most vehicles - they will make them to fit any size window - and half the price of some I have seen advertised. We have them and they work really well - cost about $180 for the front and side ones delivered from memory - they are on the internet.

In Queensland - Gold Coast I think.


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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Haven't camped in the Coaster yet and have no seperation from the front cabin, will check out how it is next week hopefully when I have a quick couple of days away.

I do have the sun cover that Jules gave me plus one from the Hi Ace and the previous owner left a huge roll of padded sun protection stuff so I will check out that aspect later.

Getting closer,



The Happy Helper

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Counting the days now John - we are in Coffs!


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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We are all like kids asking ...ARE WE THERE YET !!!!


Time To Sleep Later In Life.

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Where did you get them from Wendy?



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Saw ad in The Wanderer - Solarscreen. They are in Carina Qld. 07 3398 5500. (I have no connection with them other than as a customer). When I phoned, all they needed was the year of the Coaster - they obviously have the dimensions for different models, at hand. The ones I got fit really closely and are much better quality than I expected! The pack even included a little cover for the small window that my Coaster has by the knee of the passenger. I was impressed.

On the shakedown trip last year - which was along the Murray, and to Beechworth, in August - it was obvious that despite the curtain behind the front seats, the large area of glass was conducting the cold inside, at night. That was the impetus for upgrading to the customized shades.




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Saturday and I fixed up the gas for use outside, I have a door outside where the gas bottle is located so I bought 2 1.2mtr lengths of flexible low pressure hose and found the various adapters to go from the regulator to the cooker under the van to a point under the awning where I will be cooking. Set it up and all is well.

Yesterday I wired in the after market tachometer from the Hi Ace and set it up on the Coaster. There isn't much apart from the cupboards etc., left in the Hi Ace I have taken just about every item and installed them in the Coaster. Getting closer!!!!!!    John



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so what will you do with the old girl when you move on John ?


What the heck, why not !


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pauline wrote:

so what will you do with the old girl when you move on John ?


 Hi Pauline,

there is not much value left in the Hi Ace and we don't think that it would pass a roadworthy without too much expense so I am leaving it with Chris it will be up to him to decide it's future.

I will remove the plates and use the concession advantage with the Vic registration, I offered to make a transfer before surrendering the plates but he decided against that. He has the other Hi Ace which was given to me when I got back from Tassie and may create a better one from both.

Today I will be working on the space created with the fridge from the Hi Ace being shorter than the previous one and leaving a usable space above. I have a shelf, hinges and a front panel. Never very good with carpentry but here goes.




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Good to see it's all coming together for you John.



An it harm none, do what you will.


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AT LAST THE COASTER IS REGISTERED it is 5 months since I did the deal to buy it and at last I can officially drive it registered as a mobile home in my name. This post has gone long enough from Compliance Plate to Registration so I will start another one just as a summary.



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