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Post Info TOPIC: Time Machine


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Posts: 1970
Time Machine

Time Machine

Barak Obama and Julia Gillard are shown a time machine which can see
100 years into the future.
They both decide to test it by asking a question each.
Barak goes first.
"What will the USA be like in 100 years time?"
The machine whirs and beeps and goes into action and gives him a printout, he reads it out
"The country is in good hands under the new president, crime is non-existent,
there is no conflict, the economy is healthy. There are no worries"
Julia  thinks "It's not bad this time machine, I'll have a bit of that" so she asks:
"What will Australia be like in 100 years time?"
The machine whirs and beeps and goes into action, and she gets a printout.
But she just stares at it.
"Come on Julia" says Barak, "What does it say"
Julia replies,


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

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and the punch line is ???????


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Surely she didn't say " I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it." ??



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Posts: 1970

I don't know  what happened..I'm sorry


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

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I guess there's no more Australia left............. :(


Harry @ Angela


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Posts: 1970

Hear it is!

Julia replies................."Buggered if I know! It's in Chinese!"


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

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polite laugh



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Don't laugh. It's probably right.



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Posts: 1970

Thats right people...One only has to have watched A C A the other night .....Castle Hill  N S W  shopping complex


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

The Happy Helper

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Posts: 12023

This is a jokes section - jokes are jokes - sometimes I think we are losing our Aussie sense of humour - becoming too "politically correct" - not knowing whether to post a joke that may offend some sections of the community - hey us Aussies love laughing, most especially at ourselves!!!!! The world needs to lighten up!!!


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)

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the comment "polite laugh" was only meant asa joke because it took so long to get to the punch line
not as having a go at any one
it can be hard to convey meanings in a written form as the tongue in cheek intention is often lost


The Happy Helper

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Posts: 12023

Sorry 2weis - was not pointed at you - just saying in general - we now don't post any jokes that mention certain ethnic races, living here in Australia, lest someone complains and we get moderated off - to me, a good joke is a good joke, no matter the subject really.


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)

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