Some years ago, I was driving West along Princes Hwy through Rosedale. The road is divided there and goes from 60 kph to 80 kph. Where the road leave Rosedale, it changes to two lanes and 100kph. Anyway, as I'm driving through Rosedale, I see a rabbit running along in the grassed area beside me. I see I'm going 60 kph. I speed up at the 80 kph mark and the rabbit is still there next to me. I get to the 100 zone and the rabbit is not only keeping pace but it passes me and runs out onto the road in my path. It then crosses the centre line and is pulling slightly ahead. I couldn't let this happen. I follow the rabbit across the centre line, hit the gas and WHUMPF! I've won the race. I continue on my way along the left lane. Next thing I know, a car with blue lights and a logo on the door is signalling me to pull over. I comply and am approached by two Wildlife Officers. They explain that I have committed some infringement re hitting native fauna and I should at least check to see the animal is not suffereing. I explain that the rabbit is not 'native' and that there is no way it could have survived. They insist I go back to check or I'ld receive a hefty fine. So I 'U' turn and go back with the W.L. Officers in tow. I get to said rabbit, and it's dead. THey ask if I'm sure. Wel of course I'm sure, I hit it at 100 ks+. It's flat, you could post it!. One of the Officers goes back to his car and brings out a box similar to those used by Ambos. He selects a spray can and sprays the rabbit which jumps up and runs off. Amazing, I say "What's in the can?" The Wild Life Officer replies "Hair Restorer".