A gynecologist decided that he would like a change in careers and so he got a job as a apprenticemotor mechanic at the local garage . All went well as he enjoyed the job and as a result got good reports from all the costumers about the quality of his work .
At the end of his apprenticeship there was an exam that required the the students to completely dismantle and rebuild an engine. At the the presentation night they were handing out the results to the students and on his report it stated that he had got 150% !!. this surprised him no end , so as not to make a fuss he waited until the teacher was on his own and asked why such a high mark ?
The teacher said he was relay impressed at the way that he had gone about the job .. the gynecologist said that all that he done was do as he was asked . The teacher said he had revived this high mark because of way he did doing things doing so with great neatness laying every piece out in its right order and then reassembling the engine perfectly . Thegynecologist was still puzzled and asked but why 150%/ . The teacher said he got such ahigh score because youdid the whole job through the exhaust pipe